Thursday, March 30, 2017
Monday, March 27, 2017
Self-Appointed Location Scout for the next Mel's Diner.. (me!) sandra, tvgp
now, i am just absolutely certain... "Certain!" that in Pleasanton, on the corner of Valley & Bernal, is the PERFECT! location for the next: MELS DRIVE INit already has the perfect, half circle shape, parking lot perfect for cool cars to pull up.. for young adults/families to hang out.. it's on the corner; write across from the alameda county fair... quite near a freeway entrance/exit.. near a ton of new resident developments...
it would be perfect! perfect i tell you!
/filed under dreams for unknown others.
now, my own dream.. /one of many to be sure. well what i realized:
when i was looking again, from corner of main street in downtown Pleasanton/and st. johns..
glancing over at the building that currently serves as location for milfleur... and has unknown to me residence living on 2nd floor
well, i was scoping it out again; projecting my wildest dreams
and i have my store downstairs... and sell lots of purple The Secret Power of Speaking God's word, Joyce Meyer books, in addition to all the books ive ever read/loved.. so a mini book store, but only selling books i personally love,
plus, my mixed media art, of course, photography, my own books, a whole line of décor.. framed poetry..
and the visible outside wall painted by trenton
with some sculptures by ju ju koops, and gary winter...
and then since working at alden lane, i now project... "a roof top garden!" -and Charles huff comes and re-does the top, so that there can be clear glass.. green house on top..
then i live on the 2nd floor
commute downstairs to my day job..
walk to barones for music under the stars..
host my guests at the rose hotel..
walk to the library.. any downtown restaurant... park... gallery... firehouse art center for theater.. meadowlark for frosties
-have awesome view of any parade for my future grandchildren...
-but what i realized,
is just serious i was taking this dream of mine, because when i was on main street viewing it all again,
out loud, i said... "oh no! there's no garage!"
In Jesus loves this dreamer 's name, amen!
The Heart Seen by (squidmann & spike!)
"thank you both!" /and I hear Jason mraz in the background singin' "'s laundry day!"
xoxo ~s.c.
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Friday, March 24, 2017
"VICTORY! VICTORY! VICTORY!" for (ducks & warrior & charlie rose fans!)
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Mom~mosa. (me!)~mosa. and hostess cupcakes.
Attention Documentary Filmmakers: from (me!) sandra, tvgp
having recently watched, and thoroughly enjoyed the documentary on PBS of Dr Maya Angelou's life.. got me thinkin' againhow much the world needs THIS DOCUMENTARY
-and there's so much more...
"this is the day the Lord has made.. and I re-Joyce in it!"
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
awake! aware! by (me!) sandra, tvgp
and so yes, there was a notable, experiential change.. when I graduated from just having thoughts; to observing my own thoughts and weighing them against God's word, and keeping or deleting them accordingly.and, there was a notable, experiential change, when I went from being unconsciously manipulated/influenced by [variable here]
influenced by people older, with intention to manipulate
by advertisements/commercials
by peer pressure
by substances
by culture
by insecurities, fears, movies, music...
and then became aware and awake to how these things were influencing/manipulating me..
significant milestones.
and lets revisit the greatest gap -between the intention of a law, and the result, -on two other occasions
the intention of the law was to protect women against sexism and sexual harrassment in the workplace. one of the actual results I witnessed was women entrapping men for financial gain. setting up the sexual harassment case, with the very intention of winning money in court.
-made me so heart sick for the genuine victims...
solution? I don't pretend to know.
and, then we have the war against drugs, with its obvious noble intentions..
but then the RESULT.. is an increase in sex-trade/human trafficking..
because if you get pulled over with drugs in your car -evidence; jail.
but if you get pulled over with teenagers in your car..
harder to prove you are using them as prostitutes.
solution? I don't pretend to know.
all I do know, is that there sure is a counterproductive result from very well intentioned laws we pass.
and it is that gap -between intention and result, that speaks to why I always have been, am now, and will always be
pro-choice when it comes to the issue of abortions.
because while the intention of a law against abortions might be noble, the result is:
increase in suicides
increase in self inflicted abortions; which can go very wrong
increase in black market abortions
and I am grateful to learn, that without a no-choice law on the books, abortions have been on the decrease in general.
and, does anyone see why.. see the correlation between the old testament -law based
and the new testament..
because God himself saw that while the laws were well intended...
the results?!
seems like a fair analogy.
IN Jesus loving, merciful, true and trustworthy name... amen!
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
let's review -san leandro. by (me!) sandra, tvgp
k. I really wanted two pictures side by side to show you, visually, what it was like..I will describe instead: as, it is true that for years, post kidnap/rape, I lived, worked, played, danced, healed, etc. in san leandro.
[picture of somewhere in san leandro here, place 4 or 5 pieces of vellum over it]
and, it was not until I got away, that I realized
[picture of Pleasanton; no vellum]
i had been in a fog.. like I could see everything; yes.. but it was not until things became clearer, that I realized there were... layers.
and i came to love Pleasanton very much. and feel safe. and built a life.. and worked, and married, and had children.. and raised children.. and made friends.. and created things.. on and on..
and during those years, even when i drove past san leandro on the freeway.. a weight would visit my spirit; light and temporary; but there was never not a change/shift in me..
i could feel it. look forward to it passing.. and returning to Pleasanton.
some years later.. my mom and her husband, who had left Hayward for Patterson, then left Patterson for
-san leandro.
i experienced a sense of betrayal... what a set back...
and when i did visit, the weight that was light and temporary as i passed san leandro on the freeway.. that darkness became very heavy and lingered..
symptoms of my PTSD would return.
so, what we worked out between us, my mom and i, is that she would visit me, and her grandchildren, in Pleasanton, and that i just would not come to san leandro
and i think this was pretty good for the most part, but as my mom hosted the thanksgivings dinner in san leandro.. the entire family, including my sister, her kids, and my ex-husband, and my children..
everyone went but me.
thanksgivings were difficult, but.. for me.. having one awkward day, vs. an ongoing dark weight that lingered and threatened the progress i had made
made it easy.
but as time passed.. i could feel.. a different weight. a weight of guilt, i suppose, for not going..
i would return to the pros and cons of going vs. not going; and not go.
Jesus understood.
the turning point, was when i went to san leandro for an entirely different reason... -to help a friend of my daughters who was having issues with drugs, and landed himself in the junior/youth jail there. -juvenile hall.
now, God spoke to me.. or put it on my heart.. however you want to understand/process it, but my thinking was as follows:
how is it that i can get myself to san leandro for THIS (person i don't know well.. and who has betrayed my trust and broke the law..) -how/why for him
and not for my mom, who has been there for me for my entire life.. /and the list of caretaking, help, meals, birthday parties, family gatherings, fudge dishes, hugs, cards, love, support... on and on..
and i decided on that day.. i was gonna get myself over to visit my mom in san leandro, and not have her always coming to Pleasanton.
and.. when i did go visit.. oh! -my daughter is my witness! a man.. a serpent.. literally!
anyway.. the dark weight arrived.. lingered.. and reignited some PTSD symptoms..
"which is what ive been trying to tell everyone! it is not F'ing worth it!"
but.. it did not linger, linger, and get worse or more severe..
it let up after a number of days. not weeks or months..
-a good sign.
and i felt pretty determined to conquer..
and, started returning to my mom's for thanksgiving dinners, and coming over for visits on my days off, and attending her annual cookie parties again.. etc. etc.
and there was no dark weight; no lingering sense of anything negative.. it all started to subside.
but i sure was restricting myself to driving straight to my mom's house. and straight back to Pleasanton.
fast forward to now. -as in, now i live here. i am living with my mom and her husband in san leandro
and how can i describe?
now, ive said it before and will say it again. traumatic memories cannot be erased, but they can be diluted
the more diluted the better.
the more diluted, the i am better.
now places i would have avoided are demanding i come revisit. -and to experience the same places with a certain indifference in my heart/mind/spirit..
it is a gift.
even though the threats then, and in fact, the threats now were and are; real..
the only way to describe it, is if you have been a young child who was really scared on a ride at Disney land
but when you are older and you return to the same ride.. you see how it wasn't real.. and it doesn't scare you anymore..
the internal sensation is similar; the experience is similar. but i was not afraid of something pretend; and intended to scare me
i met evil, scary for real.
and real evil, and real scary people are still out there..
but i am not afraid. i am not preoccupied with the concern..
anytime -anything- wants to start preoccupying my mind, i am able, via prayer, to halt it.
my mind has healed enough to do so..
that muscle was broken and inoperable for a long time.
today. on this very day, earlier while i was at the local CVS to buy jelly beans for my mom..
the man in front of me asked me what my tattoo stood for
i said with a smile, "it means conquer the world with kindness."
and then he told me about the tattoo on his foot, which, translated means
"Trust no one."
and he told me he lost all trust in humanity.
"but you trust Jesus.. write.." i said to him, still smiling.
and, yes.. he said he only trusted Jesus.
and i told him i understood, and we parted ways after the cash register.
and i thought about that for a bit..
if i told that man.. if i were to bullet point
* kidnap/rape
* kidnap/rape
* armed robbery
*abusive alcoholics
*lyin'/cheatin' boyfriends
* assholes/idiots/unevolved humans with superiority complexes
he might be surprised that i can trust anyone. that i can still talk to strangers.
since he said he trusts Jesus... that means he must know Jesus..
and so maybe, he is not surprised at all.
from a very deep, very dark pit i have been rescued and restored.
"Thank You! Jesus" every family, friend, and trustworthy acquaintance.
First World Problems ... as contemplated by (me!) sandra, tvgp
the pastor used the phrase this past sunday, but my co-worker friend, a beautiful, young 20~something, uses the phrase with great frequency"i know. its a first world problem." and dismisses any upset/concern for any given problem because relative to third world problems..
nothing really is a problem.
I'm uneasy with it.. still wrestling... because while it is true.. to some degree. all things being relative..
well, I don't have it worked out. I think perspective is healthy.. and not whining over a bad grade, or cold, or inability to find a hotel room..
none of it is terrible when you set it next to problems like, next meal? any medical care at all? and not a problem with air conditioning in a house
but the problem of no shelter at all.
still.. not sure we should so easily dismiss everything.. marginalize what is troubling/bothering us because its not at the crisis level of third world countries.
but I'm not sure..
and, as if divinely choreographed: write about the time I was wrestling with these thoughts, I heard a young girl on her I-phone telling whoever was on the other end
"i couldn't stop crying... she ruined my whole eyebrow."
and I don't know where she went for her wax or thread, or dye.. or who destroyed the shape/color of her precious eyebrow for what amount of money
but I sure did want to let her in on the new awareness; the new catch phrase..
offer her some perspective...
and a Kleenex.
and an eyebrow pencil...
and console her all the way back to her Mercedes...
In Jesus, was born in a manger and traveled by donkey.. 's name... amen.
addendum: -because I discussed this more with vanessa.. and she said someone said to her, some time ago
not allowing yourself to be sad, because someone else is more sad
is like not allowing yourself to be happy, because someone else is happier.
-I like that.
yes. AGAIN. (me!) sandra, tvgp
thoughts on thoughts.
-the name/vocabulary for the part of us, that allows us to observe our own thoughts. change them. or hold them captive, as the bible suggests..
this practice I have been in for some time: I hold my thoughts captive... put them through the holy filter.. throw out what I know to be negative/ugly/untrue
and keep what I know to be true, wise, productive, helpful..
the specific part of us that can observe our own thoughts; judge them.. delete, change or meditate on them..
discard or honor them.. question or answer...
what is that part of us called? "I" ?
I had a thought. I observed that I had a thought..
the mind is the battlefield. the heart is the trophy. thoughts are weapons.
our heart can use our mind to keep secret truths from others
but our minds cannot use our heart.
There is an internal heirarchy.
where is that place exactly? ...inside us... that knows/recognizes our truth
Origins? From eternal truth...
more later..
IJN. amen.
tag line by (me!) sandra, tvgp
just made me smile to see the tag line I created for alden lane nursery used on a coupon promotion that was mailed to 1,000's of homes. I think its an important & inspiring message:and like that each two word pair have two meanings. it took me some time playing until landing..
plant friendship, where plant is a noun or an idea. -harvest as a thing to do/ or experience. yield as a value, or instruction... and it all relates to actual gardens/nurseries; and to relationships between people/plants; and people to people to life...
"thank you cyndee!"
In Jesus garden~lovin' name... amen!
what a weight lifted! for (me!) sandra, tvgp
when, in prayer, I said.. I have to stop worrying about the results; or organizing. I cannot be burdened with organizing what ive written, or will write..i'll just do the writing.
and a memory surfaced; as they do.. in unorganized fashion: how I cried to Jesus.. cry~talked.. saying, "i want to feel safe... I want to feel safe... I want to feel safe..." and then, it turned from crying to anger.. I said, "i don't want to FEEL safe Jesus
anyway.. I must edit. as I have been for some time.. I edit, because I learned this truth when I was volunteering for the tri valley haven
how, the men who were abusing their girlfriends, wives, children... sending them in need for shelter and protection
the men who were caught, turned in.. the ones who were -sentenced- to anger management classes, and had to attend, and had to prove with a certificate of some sort, that they attended..
well, to the outside world, and perhaps the judge.. that certificate ='d that the abusive individual had made some progress.. had learned/gained some insight into their unlawful, destructive, violent, ugly behavior, and helped them become better men; better individuals
and while I'm sure that IS the aim of such programs..
the truth behind the seens -as shared with me by people in the actual know
is that the only thing the abusive men improved at; was how to get away with the same behavior but without getting caught.
-that's write. they were required by law, to take anger management classes, that ultimately served to help them become more skillful abusers
improve their craft.
sad, sad, but true.
and the bible passage this brings to mind for me, is the one about ideas landing on different types of soil..
because, if we apply the analogy of soil as mind/heart/soul..
perhaps on the write soil.. of a man who was capable of feeling remorse, capable of seeing the consequences of his abusive behavior on others.. on the write soil, such a man might look to the origins of this behavior.. and try and correct and improve, and make apologies, and apply lessons, and learn to respect... etc., etc.
but the soil of a percentage (what % I don't know) of the men attending these classes, was not write. the soil itself was corrupt.. so they listened, but only heard, what caused them to get caught.. and if they did this, instead of that..
they could still abuse; control with fear; etc... but! without getting caught. and now they have a certificate to show everyone they graduated.
so, I just realize over and over... intentions vs. actual results. and how important.. the soil; the roots.. and how important it is to assess -RESULTS.
ive said it before, and worth mentioning.. it is to me the greatest gap.. not the haves & have nots; not the poor vs. wealthy, or educated vs. uneducated..
the greatest gap is between the intention of a law; and the results...
there is such a long list of -intended this, but got that..
and boy are we slow to assess, and repair...
so, of course, as I am, as I have described, on a spiritual trek, in a spiritual land mine.. traumatic memories -not buried, but which were resting on the ground
they are floating up.. nearer the surface; easy to reach
and cerebral hyperlinks that I might pass over in different environments, demand to be clicked on
so, I think I will demonstrate how this works, by doing just that. and you can choose to click or not.
because -mind travel for (me!) sandra, tvgp
cclickanytime some talks about robbery.. well, usually robbery is about money. or something to sell for money..
I do not condone; justify.. but, I do understand. I can wrap my mind around the idea of someone being desperate, or on drugs, or overwhelmed by peer pressure, or some combination of all of those, and who does not hold their thoughts captive, but takes them serious, and then ends up robbing for money or valuable that can be sold for money. I can see how that happens.
I cannot understand how a person ... broke into our home; stole me from my room; violated my body and ... left.
he was not out for money, or valuables.. not like, human trafficking, where the human is sold for money..
and I can spend more time than I will admit, curious about that.. what set of circumstances leads a human being to kidnap/rape a young child, where no financial gain is an objective.
and I think about most all the men I know in my life, my dad, my brother, my male cousins, my male co-workers, school peers... boyfriends.. all the males..
and I cant think of one of them... not one, who even if he was down, down, down on his luck, and/or on drugs.. I cant think of one male ive encountered in day to day life... capable
but there was no financial gain involved when I was kidnapped/raped at 6, 16, or 17 either..
although I do remember the lakeside rapist took cash from my wallet too.. -why not, just the cash?
I would love if an expert..
because to research it myself.. as you know, an online research would generate an avalanche of information/opinions/advertisements... rabbit hole.
but as it is 2017, and surely to our good God, we've learned..
I wonder if anyone could explain it in a way, that -while I would never condone/justify..
will I ever understand?
and like the anger management classes.. are there ways we can teach? that don't just provide an opportunity , a school, for kidnappers/rapist to become better at their evil craft?
and, when I write about PTSD.. I have to edit -for exactly that reason.. sometimes it helps victim survivors.. sometimes it is used to elevate the craft of evil-doers
the mind/heart/spirit.. it matters what soil the seed lands on.
so, naturally..
we have to look closer at soil. origins of soil...
very important story in the bible.. seed landing on different soil...
Monday, March 20, 2017
Sunday, March 19, 2017
-do the math- by (me!) sandra, tvgp
on Friday a man insisted I watch him show off how much power he held over his little dog."Sit!" he commanded. And the dog sat.
on Saturday, a man invited me to witness the result of the love he poured into his big dog.
"Sit." he said. And the dog sat.
on Sunday, both dog owners (2), died. (-2)
only one dog was sad.
-do the math-
The Heart Seen...
dear anyone/everyone in the field of psychology. how may I be succinct? there is no reason for me to point out a specific university; a specific study; a specific group or person. you know the pattern. we all do. it goes something like this:we told a group of people we were doing this experiment [experiment described]
but we were really doing this experiment [described] and only told them we were doing [that experiment] so we would learn... the truth!
.. and it turns out...
people will consume less chocolate if you change the candy bar color to blue, and make the packaging brown.
now I know, appreciate and understand, that getting to the truth sometimes requires non-truths on the journey. I get that. ends justifies the means, and all that..
but I would caution, that when you have decades of an entire field of study, and its "scholars" and "professionals" utterly immersed in practices of deceit in the name of finding truth
what you end up with, is entire populations of people unable to trust you, or take you serious, at all.
unless what you are doing is really helping humanity move forward and evolve; and improve in health and well-being
cut it out.
here are some of the problems facing humanity today:
human trafficking.
elderly abuse.
road rage.
domestic violence.
violence in general.
hate crimes.
PTSD which results from all of the above; and natural disasters.
I could go on, but.. those represent the short list.
and as I have pointed out, once or twice..
genuine humanitarians are our most evolved human~beings -they should be studied in great depth, and taught.. and shared and celebrated and researched!
try and get to the bottom and the truth of this: how does a human being, in this world (described in short list above) become
-against all odds, suggestion, cultural common-sense, survival instinct, and without financial reward or fame dangled..
how does a human being become a genuine humanitarian?
and unless you are addressing a real problem/crisis facing humanity today,
or helping hurting/selfish/stuck people evolve
if your God given gifts/talents/time/energy are devoted to deceiving individuals/groups so you can make amazing discoveries like people wont consume as much chocolate if its tinted blue
then you are contributing to the problem; not the solution.
IN Jesus, did not deceive in order to help humanity, 's name. amen!
Saturday, March 18, 2017
The Heart Seen... by (me!) sandra, tvgp
inside the garden store; sweetest little heart shape... and I find when they are just a little lopsided it adds to their charm. amen.Friday, March 17, 2017
-never woulda guessed... but I am on the same page with Donald trump when it comes to decisions regarding vaccinations..that is to say, that, if what ive read is true, trump had his child vaccinated, but not on the same time table as recommended by healthcare professionals. -that, he too, had concerns about the side effects/consequences of vaccination overload
and there are ongoing arguments where highly respected healthcare professionals say they have proven no link between vaccination overload and autism,
and parents, and others who.. are not as convinced. -count (me!) among them.
but I don't mind sharing my thinking/limited knowledge/understanding, and wouldn't change my mind if I were faced with the decision again today
my understanding about vaccinations is this: they help! like, polio... claiming lives... and vaccination discovered, and -polio has nearly, vanished. that is awesome!
now we have a formula for success! vaccination = immunization from.. way to prevent
that's beautiful!
so let's get more and more and more and more!
next, we must factor in, my understanding/belief that HOW this works, is
a small version, of the larger/more threatening virus is introduced into the body, and teaches the body to fight off the potential larger threat later.. /something like that..
if I have that wrong... ?
and now factor in... a wave, a significant increase in autism related cases {fill in dates here/facts/figures -no one doubts we went from a few to a lot! and still have no explanation.. only we keep being reassured it has nothing to do with vaccinations...
but there is also a correlation between the increase in the wonderful list of vaccinations we give at one time, and the increase in autism related issues..
perhaps that is all just coincidence.
now, from my way of thinking -as a non-trained health professional, but as a loving, caring, new mom..
if we don't know...
I'm going to lean in the direction of not overloading on the vaccines.
I'm not going to choose none... I understand they work, they are helpful in preventing..
but, when I consider any small amount of a living or dead virus being introduced into the tiny, new body of a new human being...
just now learning to fight..
and at one time, they had one or two vaccines...
and then, three or four...
and then, five, six, seven... eight.
how many different types of small amounts added together...
it seems we are requiring too much fight response from a young human body.. at one time. and the mix of ... to fight this and potentially that.. plus this and that too...
and if it is all perfectly safe...
why is there any separation at all? how did they determine we give all these, this month,
and these on down the road..
trial and error; yes?
so, I am not a no vaccines at all parent..
I am a -lets not overload new human beings- parent.
and, for the professional healthcare people who insist there is no risk..
what is the number? of vaccines that ='s a cutoff?
if we discover even more vaccines.. so, let's say write now we can provide for polio, chicken pox.. /whatever the current list is..
place it here:
let's pretend (I don't have time to research..) there are 7.
and, now, let's say, we discover 7 more!
do you give an infant/toddler/youth... all 14 at once? if there are 20?
yes or no. why or why not? how is the decision made?
what are the consequences/benefits of all vaccines given at once vs. provided over a period of months/years...
tucked also in my mind... how $$ influences decisions in healthcare industry. they haven't exactly earned our trust...
tucked also in my mind..
oh! getting the flu shot was the most important thing in the world for everyone! write now! and you need this much.
/until, they ran low..
and suddenly all the marketing leaned toward..
well, it was not that important.. you could get a different strain anyway...
if we give you a portion, a 1/2... all you need is 1/2 anyway...
/so, if we only needed 1/2 to begin with... why more in the first place?
everything is fiction.
if you follow even 6 threads in the healthcare/pharmaceutical industries you will learn:
very hard to trust. some lives are saved/some great leaps are made/some health is restored; some cures are found; greed is prevalent/highly influential; corruption is not uncommon...
but you sure cant take one or the other for granted.. you have to peel back layers, every time..
oh! the ongoing treasure hunt for truth...
In Jesus name, amen!
with limited research you can learn: -how vaccines work:
Vaccines work by creating a miniature immune response in the body
Vaccines are like a training course for the immune system. They prepare the body to fight disease without exposing it to disease symptoms. When foreign invaders such as bacteria or viruses enter the body, immune cells called lymphocytes respond by producing antibodies, which are protein molecules.
Vaccines are like a training course for the immune system. They prepare the body to fight disease without exposing it to disease symptoms.
all arguments/concerns regarding autism put completely to the side for a moment:
it still seems to me, that asking a young developing body to fight several things at once is not a good idea..
that if each vaccine is creating its own miniature immune response, that's demanding a young developing body to manage several different miniature responses at once.. and if you add a miniature response to this + a miniature response to that + and a miniature response over here + a miniature response there... suddenly the word "miniature" doesn't apply anymore
if we want to describe/look at vaccines as training the immune system.. then, if you are giving several vaccines at once; that is over-training, which is counterproductive
I believe in, recognize, support -celebrate! appreciate the success of vaccines/immunizations..
but for me personally, -I have great concern when it comes to multiple vaccines given to an infant/toddler/youth at once
and can't understand why/what would be the issue with spreading them out over a given/longer time period so that the body would not have to manage several miniature responses at once
Thursday, March 16, 2017
ADD ANOTHER BULLSHIT ARTIST by (me!) sandra, tvgp
-forgive me Jesus if the word is offensive; it is certainly the most accurate, and I need to use it at liberty to make my case.because at least internally, I do find myself thinking, and occasionally saying out loud -like, I cant believe the amount of bullshit you have to wade through in day to day life.. my God!
bullshit brochures; bullshit advertisements; bullshit articles; bullshit deals; bullshit conversations.. bullshit spam.. bullshit politics.. too long a list.
and let me say this, confess this before I write any further -in defense of bullshit artists:
"it works!"
like, I realize, and surrender to the fact, that it gets results. I wont argue that..
but I want to pose the question: while it is true, that bullshit works
and that it is true that it currently is: "just the way it is."
my question is... " yes. but do you want it to stay that way?"
-and do you want more bullshit all the time... should we just go ahead and provide academic teachings, and make it a college degree you can earn and proudly hang on the wall
Masters in BULLSHIT
p.h.D in BS -no, BS in BS... it is so celebrated in this culture..
because the part I don't think people realize, is that IT IS A CHOICE. bullshit is a cultural practice, and culture is.. malleable.
the fact that it works, receives positive reinforcement, is encouraged and rewarded
those things mentioned above are exactly what contribute to the increase in this behavior,
and guess what...
can be applied to increase different behaviors/cultural practices also. YOU CHOOSE!
here is the sentence, exactly as it appears in an article I read about -negotiating. that got me all
"YES.. AND I LIVE IN THE WAKE OF LIARS/PANDERERS/BS ARTISTS LIKE YOU and it makes my life very difficult..."
the sentence was in parenthesis like this:
(to be honest, I can't really tell whether the child has her mother's eyes. I'm just trying to pander to him; I'm about to make my move.)
and doesn't that sound not so bad; and pretty common place..
the wake it creates is this:
every single conversation you have from that point forward is tainted. you cant hear anyone say anything without questioning motive
-what do you want from me? you are setting me up/warming me up for what?
it is sincerity's nemesis.
I am among the people, who sincerely like to get to know people... and who compliment others with great regularity, but it is not for gain.
although, I can tell you... I seem very suspicious in this culture..
I think its just yucky; this cultural climate..
-take the temperature of any conversation..
i'm gonna bs you about this; so I can get that..
now i'm on the receiving end of what must be bs (its all I know)... so, what do you want from me...
I will close with two thoughts:
I think this is why God says, -seek first my face/not my hand.. and can read hearts/minds..
see Hebrews 4:12
its communicated so poetically in the Bible, but in crude current terms, it can be translated to say,
President Obama received so much criticism for not socializing more.. having those politicians over for dinners, and chats.. to create relationships and win them over..
it is my opinion, that President Obama just had a particularly low tolerance for bullshit; that's all.
while others seem to like to swim, and drown in it..
In Jesus, -bs is not a fruit of the spirit 's name, -amen!
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
DONT'S & DO'S by (me!) sandra, tvgp
I don't know how to build a TV, but I do know how to watch one.I don't know how to build a plane, but I do know how to be a passenger.
I don't know how to build a camera, but I do know how to take a picture.
I don't know how to build a computer, but I do know how to use one.
I don't know how to create a human heart, but I do know how to love.
I don't know how to create a God, but I do know how to pray.
I don't know how to so love the world, but I do know how to believe.
and I don't know how the spiritual world works.. but I do know how to connect.
In Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.. 's name. amen!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
prelude to my book cover... (me!) sandra, tvgp
"winner!" new york caption contest by (me!) sandra, tvgp
how many times has this happen to (me!)..***
but, anyway.. "thank you!" dad -finally received my new Yorker magazine; very excited! taryn too.. and yesterday during my 10 minute break
don't you know I spent the first couple minutes eating cake, and the rest.. coming up with ideas for the caption contest. if the ratio remains the same, I need approx. 10/15 minutes for every one minute it takes taryn
and I played with the idea of... relating it to digging to China; and played with the idea of accidentally time traveling write back to the same time.. and played with the idea of.. if you dig deep enough you find meaning.. played with the man-cave & docents idea...
and it felt like I was on the write track, but nothing was registering as "that's it!"
until this morning!
and, just like before.. first I summoned my team. I forgot to do that yesterday, so this morning
[after prayers/meditations] I sat the magazine back on my lap, and I said,
maya, maya, maya. robin, robin, robin, ogden, ogden, ogden, ray. ray. ray. Russell Russell, russell
\maya angelou. robin Williams. ogden nash. ray orrock. Russell crowe for those of you who don't already know,
and then, I also threw in, Stephen Colbert.. and whoever is on his writing staff..
and I telepathically requested their help and assistance. May I remind you here, that Dr Maya Angelou used to
well, she never walked out on stage to give a talk or performance without saying 'come with me'
-so, i'm in very good company, communicating telepathically with spirits
and for fellow believers; this IS how the idea arrived
and for you boring skeptic/realists; lacking imagination, stuck in the physical world types -I guess I projected/self generated an idea which somehow occurred to me, not randomly but quite predictably, if you can follow the series of events from pre- big bang to march 14, 2017
they told me.. to see the man in the cave.. to focus on the way his arms were folded; like he is refusing to do something
and then, yes.. I see! like a kid refusing..
and then they asked me.. what would he be refusing to do?
and then, I was like..
where's a pen? where's a pen?!
and I wrote:
"NO. I will not stand. I will not shave. I will never wear a shirt and tie!"
/mine are usually too wordy, but
I'm pretty sure i heard them applauding ...
and so, quick.. I went online to submit my winning caption.
and it was then.
it was then. -and not until then- -not-, may I point out, was it yesterday during my break. or when the magazine first arrived to my new address
it was not until then, where then ='s after I summoned my spiritual team, and after i came up with the winning caption, and after I excitedly linked my subscription, and after I could not find the cartoon for which I collaborated with my spiritual team to submit the winning caption
that I finally thought.. or rather, was forced!
to read the instruction/rules/guidelines above the cartoon that read
blah, blah... Caption submissions for this week's cartoon, by Mick Stevens, must be received by Sunday, March 12th.
and I looked in the lower write corner of my laptop and it says: 3/14/2017.
and then..
I felt smiles and heard some light~hearted giggles from maya, robin, ogden, ray, russell, Colbert and his writers..
-now that, they all said.. that was funny.
In Jesus, blessed are those with a good sense of humor 's name.. amen!
/if we could amend the sermon on the mount, in the same way we can amend the constitution it would include that..
too many to count, but a couple stand-outs -there was the time I read the cathedral by Raymond carver, and pre-planned what I was going to wear when I met him... /and -then- where then ='s after I chose my dress and perfume.. then I read: may 25 1938 - august 2 1988.
and there was the time I tried to meet Jeanette walls... and I did the read the ticket! I did! but...
and very, very, recently.. when Alex asked me.. "is that your vehicle in the parking lot?" and I was like, "yes" /all respectful
but internally, like, "duh.. you know that's my jeep.. what a silly question... "
and, but before he said another word it dawned on me.. "oh. this is the day we have to start parking on that other street... isn't it."
and he -with as much patience as he could muster in the moment, said, "is there not signs all over the place?"
and in fact, there is.. signs taped here. there. and everywhere... reminding all employees to start parking on a different street on that day.
and then... where then ='s after my conversation with alex; then, my mind traveled back in time, to when I showed up for work, and I thought.. oh! how nice.. look at all these open spots.. I must be early today..
and, in the words of Bishop T.D. Jakes...
"can I go deeper?"
because, in double, triple, quadruple fact: there are signs everywhere! everyday! all around each of us
signs and wonders. ~for those who pay attention and can see.
do I hear an amen in the blogosphere...
Monday, March 13, 2017
Wants & Needs. by (me!) Sandra, tvgp
on good days, all I really want is the reminder that I already have everything I need.
Thank you Jesus! Amen.
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Proud & Happy... (writeousmom!)
Saturday, March 11, 2017
RESERVED for my autograph from/picture with MARK HADDON
yes. I am reserving this space:for a picture of (me!) standing with Mark Haddon, and holding a personally inscribed copy of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.
maybe.. we are at the Golden Gate Theatre! in San Francisco... and I have an autographed playbill too!
but first... I must come up with an exceptional reason...
so if you want to know what i'll be thinking about while I pray my way to work on 580, and what i'll be dreaming about in between every "welcome" and "have a nice day" at the cash register...
In Jesus ~forgive this selfish dreamer 's name... amen!
MARK HADDON i still want to meet you! (me!) sandra, tvgp
you bring out my most selfish self. that is to say, usually.. under less selfish and more altruistic circumstancesupon learning of your success, high demand for autographs, justifiable book tour burn out, on and on, etc., etc.,
under less selfish circumstances.. I would let go entirely of my personal desire to have an autographed (your own hand, not the machine) copy of curious incident of the dog in the nighttime, and honor you -as an artist
and if I was a better, less selfish person, than I am, I would know/honor/respect, that you should be spending your time creating; -or in prelude to.. dreaming/imagining/considering/relaxing... and not autographing a gazillion books
I know better. and yet..
well, the desire did leave me for a bit.. subside...
until... curious incident of the dog in the nighttime on broadway!
and now, the whole damn dream is taking (me!) over again..
maybe we could meet in San Francisco... and then..
and I see my autograph book collection.. so many amazing books.. spectacular authors...
and I plan a place -of great honor! on the shelf for my personally inscribed copy of the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime by Mark Haddon
which, does,
for anyone who does not already know.. rank number #1 among my favorite fiction reads of all time. and Christopher... my most beloved fiction character.
"Congratulations!" again, on this creation and -your success
which, Anne Lamott describes as something artists must recover from..
In Jesus loves a good book 's name, amen!
P.S. THOUGHTS ON FAME from (mark!)
original post 04/08/2009one of the greatest novels i've ever read is curious incident of the dog in the night time
and on my list of authors i hope to meet in person: -and for great testimony re: what happens if a piece of your work becomes popular/successful: -and for beautiful art: -and for creative inspiration: and keeping me in complete awe:
Friday, March 10, 2017
THE HEART SEEN by.. (squidmann!)
so, when I have time to figure out why picture is not posting correctly... why the heart cannot yet be seen..
but, "thank you!" leonard stegmann.. xoxo ~s.c.