Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Superbowl Bliss 2020 by (Sexy! & Tops!) #bliss @writeousmom

Friday, January 24, 2020

Fatal Accident on Piedmont as seen by (me!) sandra, tvgp

you know, i stopped a long time ago mentioning every accident i see.  but for this one..  i had to pull over..  cry a little..   send my sexy a text.  i said a prayer.  i sat for a minute to re-collect myself..  and then did what i do every day..    keep on going.   it is only today that i learned more about it  -see article by eric shapiro.   -a much needed reminder for all of us...   amen & amen

My favorite f words. A poem by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Frida Kahlo hand painted pot by (Maria martinez!)

The Heart Seen by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Like I was saying... (me!) Sandra, tvgp

Also worth noting.. hyperlinks do not, that is, cannot, exist on printed pages or in printed photos.. only in the computer/digitalized world.. and CH'S. only in our minds..  /which might indicate...    but anyway, here's another personal favorite. School dances

Monday, January 13, 2020

Dear Fellow Neuroscientists -from (me!) sandra, tvgp

regarding our mutual curiosity, fascination and admiration for human memory storage:

my mom, having perused my blog recently, asked me via text, what CH stands for.    I will explain again here, with more detail:

CH stands for Cerebral Hyperlink.    It could almost be synonymous with memory trigger, but is not exactly..

let's look at the definition of a hyperlink first:  when on a computer, it is a link from a hypertext file or document to another location or file, typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or image on the screen.

so, i'm going to provide a non-hyperlinked word, and a few hyperlinked words write here for you to see, learn from and experiment with:

   1.  in this sentence the word dolphin is not hyperlinked.  (nothing you can click on to take you somewhere else)
   2.  in this sentence the word dolphin is hyperlinked    -and to quite an entertaining colleciton of posts i must say  -click on it.
    3.  to illustrate that hyperlinks are not universal but highly individualized, i hyperlink the word dolphin again here to an entirely different but relevant article randomly found on the internet.
   4.  and to demonstrate how not all dolphin hyperlinks are correct or legitimate i create an on-purpose mistake here (and keep in mind both purposeful and accidental error hyperlinks can be created and already exist)   -and further notice how one word can hyperlink to many, many different places.

 i've already written about how many, how often, i have to very on-purpose, consciously not click on every potential hyperlink in my mind/internal thoughts or during conversations..  i have 5 decades worth of potential connections; this to that...  that to this..     it's a pinball game in there

but because i am highly aware of these cerebral hyperlinks, i can share with you here THE BIRTH OF MY NEWEST Cerebral Hyperlink

first you have to know, that when i lived in san leandro and commuted to livermore for work, my drive included driving down murdell.   and while driving down murdell i would see street signs that read:    white fang.    and also,   call of the wild.    and for all that time, i had no hyperlink for these street signs.  i thought they were cool and different and fun...   and i would later learn they were referencing books by jack london..  but still no cerebral hyperlinks to speak of really, because i was not over familiar with jack london or his novels; only familiar with the names..

UNTIL!     i just recently watched this

 FANTASTIC MOVIE with my sexy, and...

NOW!  when i see the street sign, WHITE FANG, it brings me to the movie; this beautiful story..

and,  there is a re-make of The CAll of the Wild, coming out next month, February 2020, starring Harrison Ford and so, that movie will give birth to a new Cerebral Hyperlink too!


now, i change the subject kinda here to say:   it is true,  "time heals all wounds"

as i go through my de-clutter/re-organize project, i am re-confronted with a series of traumas i've lived through..

so, i can know, as many do,  -time does heal.   that is, that after a long time has passed, which i call emotional distance; the traumas no longer have the same intensity of negative consequence

but what i want to share here, is HOW time heals all wounds.   it is not the passing of time itself.

what i believe it is, really:   dilution!   the power of memory dilution!

if you keep creating and intaking positive memories/experiences..   accumulating more and more and more and more..

eventually, you dilute the traumatic with the peaceful, the beautiful, with the ordinary and with the miraculous

and i've written about all of this before I know...  you cannot erase traumatic memories but you can dilute them.   i'm just reiterating because as a result of my project, this idea, this feeling, this suspicion and personal theory..  feels quite like a fact; a truth


now, i will be covering walls with pictures of good memories...  and I keep saying to my sexy, to my friends and family, to anyone who will listen..

write now, on the news..   or with commercials..  we get the same information over and over and over and over..  the exact same thing..  over and over, how many times do you see the same commercial on TV..

but sometimes with a special card from a friend..  we read it once and put it away..

i've been consciously reversing that..    -because I have been a keeper of many things:  cards, letters, pictures..

i get to re-read, re-visit, cherish and treasure, over and over and over..   love, and kindness, friendship..

and i minimize to the degree I can, the re-watching over and over of bad news or consumer commercials.    maximize my daily exposure to sweet letters, cards, pictures, smiles, wonderful experiences and memories.


and lastly..   here is a CH worth celebrating..   I smile instantly!  instantly!   I mean, all I did was channel surf.. looking for a little break, and came across a documentary about northern California; the maritime museum of san diego..  they were interviewing a woman with ancestors of the 

but when they showed this book:    a permanent fun/positive/strong CH to THIS memory


and each day as I work on this project, and thank my "way maker"   I am referencing the lyrics to this SONG:

"That Would Make A Great Book!" says (me!) sandra, tvgp

i am in the middle of the greatest, most productive, de-clutter/re-organization project of my whole life; write now..

and, I keep thanking Jesus for being my way maker...

making a way..    through a variety of people and circumstances, but mostly through my sexy; making a way for me to have the space, the time, the physical/mental/emotional energy required to go box by box, paper by paper, picture by picture..   keep. shred.   shred, shred, shred, shred..   keep.. etc.

and I've always known I needed a lot of time and space and energy to accomplish this monumental task which is exactly why I've waited..  it has not been about procrastination; it's been about proper time and circumstances, because..  I have so much trash mixed in with treasures; picture story to come.. but!

before I go on and on for 12 pages, my point is this:

I have documented evidence of   -how many?-   unfulfilled dreams/ambitions, I don't' know yet, but a lot

BIG DREAMS!   unfulfilled, unsuccessful, unaccepted, undone

but not one that has gone unexpressed.        i write everything!    so,

summarize to say:    i have many dreams unfilled, but not one dream that has gone unexpressed

"that would make a great book!"     /see how everything turns into another dream..

anyway,   yes..  i think it really would make an interesting book; this collection..   and so i started organizing writings/pictures/objects just that way...   a stack labeled

unfulfilled but not unexpressed.    it is very entertaining to see these dreams from the advantage of age almost 54

and on that topic:     i loved the view from 52,  and the even more i could see while 53, and now, i look forward to seeing even more!   ~ during the blink i'm 54

unfolding as the best decade of my life.   "thank you! Jesus"  hallelujah & amen

Saturday, January 11, 2020

"Skol!" Vikings good luck shot w/(sexy! & tops!)

Thursday, January 09, 2020

It's Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.. thoughts from (me!) Sandra, tvgp

I Love & Appreciate Noble Law Enforcement Officers.

I detest corrupt and criminal law enforcement officers; let's weed them out.

In Jesus name,   amen.

Sunday, January 05, 2020

Congratulations! Vikings! Exciting Victory!

Friday, January 03, 2020

The Heart Seen in cheese by (spike!)

per email:    This one is from Spike. I see more of a rooster. Happy New Year!

awesome!  "thank you!"    a sign of great blessings in new year for you two!   
and squidmann…  not until you mentioned it..  but yes..   sure enough  -pretty cool rooster too

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Happy Birthday! to (jack!)

"Sco Ducks!" Rose Bowl inspired art & photo by (sexy! & tops!)

Public "Thank You!" to (John! & Maria!)