Sunday, March 12, 2017

Proud & Happy... (writeousmom!)

I do hear, and appreciate the complaints..   how there is so much pressure on the kids these days..  how they can't just politely ask someone to the high school dance anymore..

yes, yes.. its all true.  but..      I think..   I tell my son,   -just be creative okay..    do it write.

and, look!  a wonderful poster, a delicious cookie, with a fun message and..

bonus points!   ROSES...


and now let me share    -what my idea was    

he had mentioned to me how the young lady he wanted to ask,   -how she liked macaroni & cheese, and grilled cheese..    and turkey and cheese..

and so write away I was like,   "oh.. oh!     you can go like,

Cheese will you go with me to the Jr Prom...        /don't you know I think I'm so clever..


I also continue to offer    -if he wants to borrow any of my barone's dance moves..

and he is so polite and respectful with the way he smiles that

  thanks but no thanks     smile..

and just does his own thing.

   -proud and happy mom!                 you know I love you!    xoxo


prelude to red carpet for all us    ~mama~razzi's! & grandma~razzi's:     click, click  "cheers!"


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