Monday, February 10, 2025
Monday, February 03, 2025
Zero Prayer a poem by (me!) sandra mickanen, topps, writeousmom
delighted to have finished this poem today too!
return me to zero
zero worries or concern
before i knew,
before i learned, -not just fire burns.
return me to zero Jesus
zero caveats or asterisks'
before i knew,
before i learned, -some hearts are made of plastic.
perform your spiritual surgery. laser zoom write in
slice to find the memories fears got tangled in
extract accumulations of tragedies and sins
divide and
more than, more than, conquer; until my more than a conqueror wins!
at zero start again
perform your spiritual surgery
zero grudges, zero hate
zero suspicions, zero temptations
zero give-up-its-too-lates
zero will i faint
multiply my guardian angels, exponentially grow my love
pain take, chain break, way make
my life to glorify you, God
remake me light with wings of peace
with thankful prayers which do not cease
i'm giving all i am to you -My Lord, My Savior, Hero
perform your spiritual surgery on me
return me back to zero
all confidence and zero fear
an ease made up of faith
protection, salvation, consecration
a path your love set straight.
before i knew to weigh the risk; please fix that scale to zero
im giving all i am to you -My Lord, My Savior, Hero
hallelujah & amen
Son Beams a poem by (me!) sandra, topps, writeousmom
started here
finished today:
son beams
rescued, restored, redeemed
my eyes are emerald son beams
look in and you'll see
i've been set free;
from the evil of God's enemy
my eyes, once vacant and dim
light up now from deep within
they shine on you now
showing you how
God's spiritual warfare WINS
rescued, restored, redeemed
my eyes are emerald son beams
my son beams they shine
my son beams returned!
my son beams flash
my son beams burn -discern
my son beams see write through to truth
distinguish from a pupil; youth
decode a secret
flash light a lie
these emerald son beams, my eyes
God's secret angel spies
lend a hand, offer hope
lift this one's heart back afloat
let that one go, give that to me
battles mine; you've been set free
set free; indeed.
and, without know when, there is still zero prayer poem to finish.. but not today..
selah! hallelujah! & amen!
#fashion #MagicOfMacys #bestmomever
2025, i'm going to overcompensate for not having written on the topic of fashion for the 1st 19 years of this blog..
i've been collecting pictures of fancy nancy.. and friends/family here and there, to ultimately write about, and will in the near future
today.. look at my beautiful mom, in this beautiful blouse!
-givin' myself some daughter points, because i picked it out to gift her..
but look how pretty! i am always on the look out for an attractive neck line; something different.. something... uncommon..
and -macy's of course,
but i could not resist.. look at the circle lace v cut detail.. how attractive, and then the pleated detail on the shoulders.. the fabric itself! the long sleeves.. the flattering way it lays across the body.. and it does come with a built-in lining, which is also a crucial thing i look for before purchasing.. but my mom added an additional camousel for warmth, because.. it is february and quite cold out..
and for outdoors, and for the chinese new year celebration, added a red sweater over it..
i did not see another circle lace v neck blouse anywhere in the store, but if it were available in more than one color... "sold!"
fantastic look! -and i love, -we love,
coordinating fashions (and/or matching t-shirts; halloween costumes) for spouses..
cute, attractive and fun factor.. red looks great on both of them!
i have a whole collage of my husband and i in matching t-shirts, that spans seven years now.. and who knows how many different occasions.. business logos.. etc.
but here, for winter months.. long sleeve not available in t-shirt design we liked, so we got design we liked and wore long sleeves underneath
hallelujah & amen
Chinese New Year Celebration @ The Georges!
this is a wonderful, exceptional, delightful experience! i have already sent a personal "Thank You!" but share here the pictures..
it is one thing to try and describe to others the feast fancy nancy provides her guests.. i somehow always feel like, verbally, i cant do it justice..
so "look!" as beautiful in presentation as taste..
the company, the visits, the conversations.. stimulating... warm.. entertaining.. educational..
the culinary experience.. sublime. and grateful my mom and rick were invited to join the celebration this year -i added the pix of the 4 of us, because they left before the group pix was taken..
braggin' on my mom because she has been branching out! willing to try new and unfamiliar foods, drinks, desserts..
what i had shared with her, is that.. there were many foods i didn't know i liked.. or didn't think i liked..
or just didn't like
until i tried them at one of the george's celebrations.. get togethers... hot pot parties..
and if you are willing to try new foods and drinks.. -you can still not like everything,
but! it does open you to discover foods you do like or love.. and that experience opens up entire new culinary worlds...
my mom went back for seconds..
and when robert fixed beef curry recently she went back for seconds on that too...
-all for the love of food!
i love... it is the best possible way to visit.. the most fun.. over a great meal. friends and family..
"Thank You!" Love You! Happy Chinese.. Happy Lunar... New Year!
Hallelujah & Amen
AI: Question.. from (me!) sandra, topps, writeousmom
let's say everyone on the planet over age 25 could listen to this song today in their given language:
hard fought hallelujah by brandon lake
how many would claim it as their anthem? have a loved one who could claim it as their anthem?
entered into the digital world, the music and lyrics above now become something AI is programmed to search:
-simultaneous with an unfathomable amount of other digitized music accessible
coded to assimilate, appropriate, mask, stir, fuse, blend, edit, borrow, steal
ultimately generating (creating?) a new 'original' song?
that is my current understanding of how AI works
who takes credit for the color purple? creator of color itself? light.. combination of elements, and the human to 'see' it..
creator of red? creator of blue? -first one to blend? and discover...
i do love to ponder these things... hallelujah & amen.
Saturday, February 01, 2025
Dear Sam Altman, part II from/by (me!) sandra, writeousmom
i was doing a little more reading.. few things i can know from life experience alone, that i can say about AI, AGI:
all things can be used for good or evil. often, the 'thing' itself is not good or evil; but how humans use/interact with it; employ it. with what motivation, to what end..
i am intrigued by AI, my limited understanding of it, which i will reiterate here:
AI is to human knowledge as calculators are to numbers.
now, as i was reading AGI was being described (or, rather, i was interpreting it to say..)
AGI is a milestone of sorts (?) when AI surpasses humans in speed, problem solving, tasks..
with that understanding/interpretation, AGI is already present in the world all over the place
calculators already surpass how fast humans can calculate on their own -save savants
conveyer belts, machines, sewing machines, word processing, jets, rockets..
these all, in one way or another surpass what a human can do, individually/manually.. yes?
cell phones with texts, cameras, search, gps, ... long list.. already surpasses..
then i read about a financial milestone for AGI, and i'm not even going to discuss money here..
just what AI IS, AGI IS, the current and potential applications/uses..
and while i wont bother to talk money, i will talk ENERGY..
electric cars are new, relatively speaking.. and already, i watched a video which was showing employees of a company how they needed to select certain hour windows when they could charge their cars..
it was already being divvied up, so to speak, -they were already having to 'ration'
i was taken aback by learning this..
but have it tucked in my mind, and now, on top of that, i was reading about how
-how much computing power/energy is required for AI to reach its full potential [for lack of better vocabulary]
something about how the energy required for the computing power for just one day...
equivalent to what could power an entire city over a much longer period of time..
and was reading about a need to address the 'heat' problem in these ultra high-energy-taxing computing facilities..
it is another thing life experience alone has taught me.. about humans.. this pattern of solving a problem which creates a new problem to be solved.. -write.
anyway.. add that all to this understanding i currently hold about AI.. with its ability to search and deliver -original- answers and solutions to some of life's greatest questions and challenges..
its ability to take the PhD answers.. as if you had only the greatest minds (and according to you, also the most compassionate, kind, empathetic..)
as if all these minds and hearts were with you, providing answers..
quite obviously then.. the true test for AI, AGI, is when it successfully solves the very problems it is creating
AI, -we need this much computing power and this much space, and this much money, where energy is a limited resource, that must be ethically distributed between this populous, in this given area, over this amount of time..
AI, -in order for you to fulfill our wildest dream for what you can do and become, we need this much computing power, but that much computing power generates too much heat, which is damaging to your infrastructure, we need the facility to remain at [this] temperature -what is the most cost-effective way to achieve this?
like, how intelligent is AI? currently...
make that, how intelligent are the answers AI provides, currently, based on the accumulation of digital data it can currently search -assimilate
let's consider when you love the answer AI generates... "very helpful "Thank You!"
let us also consider, when you do not like the highly intelligent answer AI provides.. [when it is counter to self-interests, or not profitable enough, or prevents you from moving forward on your personal time line, when AI says no, dont do that.. on and on].
i do see potential for growth in all areas.
i had an entertaining imagined scenario: AI (AGI); up and running.. able to provide a PhD level answer -essentially, the answer is the result -as if, the greatest, ethical, geniuses from across the globe had all convened, considered and agreed
the answer said: it turns out the cost to humanity, the taxing of energy resources, financial resources, the cost to solve the problems it creates, the resulting unemployment and resulting poverty..
everything considered and combined -the benefits of AI companions and their ability to master a variety of tasks humans would rather not do; benefit of generating music and novels
all things considered and factored in, moving forward with AI is counterproductive, dangerous, the cost significantly outweigh the potential benefits (etc...)
-if AI generated an answer which instructed its own termination for humanitarian reasons...
is there one person on the current AI panel who would honor that answer... anyone willing to even put a foot on the brakes?
also, fun to imagine, humans each with their own individual AI assistant.. analogy.. pet drone? pet robot? best digital friend...
fun to imagine the accumulative knowledge and speed at which AI can solve problems..
specifically medical problems..
actually doing it..
even more fun to imagine..
AI figuring out the best, most fair, most uncomplicated, streamlined, head-ache and corrupt free tax system... !
figuring out a new 'ism' [not socialism, not communism, not capitalism..] but the absolute best new 'ism' where the most human beings thrive! -how to shrink the poverty, wealth gap..
how to reduce crime..
how to end bullying...
how to prevent domestic, elderly.. emotional, physical abuse..
a 'caught and consequences' program for scammers, vandals...
i do love to imagine all the geniuses of the world.. discussing... experimenting.. figuring out..
all the geniuses from history, with current living geniuses..
the ability for test cases in the digital world.. demonstration of potential outcomes..
we certainly would only benefit from learning these answers at a faster rate than we have been..
hallelujah! selah! & amen.
Friday, January 31, 2025
prayers for the deceased and loved ones living on
God's love embrace you
comfort and console you
in the epicenter of all you're feeling
God's love remind you
inside and all around you
love grieves a path toward healing
-reaching out with prayer, love, condolences -God's strength as you process and navigate through this very difficult experience. amen & amen
Thursday, January 30, 2025
LOVE, love, love collaging on an empty canvas (me!) sandra, topps, writeousmom
Dear Sam Altman, from (me!) sandra mickanen, writeousmom
loved the opportunity to watch and listen to the talk you shared with young entrepreneurs at stanford. "Thank You!"
although i am retired, not seeking employment or to 'start up' a business,
i have been reading here and there about AI, and do want to gain a layperson's understanding.
-it is a world my adult children, and my grandchildren, are currently navigating, and future grandchildren, will be navigating..
i have had ONE direct experience with chatgpt, and was very impressed! i am a writer, a poet, and no longer in school or work where i might have been inspired to employ chatgpt to greater degrees..
i love to write.. i love to write in the same way people love to play golf, or scuba dive,
i want to do it myself; learn by doing.. grow by doing, improve through practice; trial and error, all of it is a joy for me, so i do not use chatgpt
but i do not like solving large complicated math problems -this is a joy and challenge for some, but i would lean toward a chatgpt/math version to short-cut the process; just give me the answer...
which brings me to AI..
poking around TED talks.. youtube.. i have heard the 'digital species' analogy
wait. let me look up the diff..
look! an AI Overview [which, one day became the default (1st/top) answer format for any question i ask my phone, and therefore made me want to learn more]
if i could execute an order... (me!) sandra, topps, writeousmom

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
SUPER BOWL LIX BLISS feb 2025 yard art & poetry by (sexy! & topps!) AKA: the micks
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Lets get back to #FASHION FUN Sleeves Please from (me!) sandra, topps, writeousmom