Thursday, September 05, 2013

Explicable happiness by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

Happens around this same time every year.. I find myself a couple extra layers of happy.. Smiling more.. And, same thing every year: I pause and think.. I'm rather inexplicably happy? What's bringing this on? And every year, same realization: "the Scottish festival! Everywhere I look, men in kilts!". And what I wouldn't give to have this view everyday. Kilts in fashion here in Pleasanton, in California.. Write now, everyday.. Goodbye! Shirts and ties and jeans... How can we make this happen? I feel so powerless in the fashion world. -speaking of powerless.. There is no one person I can call to get things changed around here.. But honestly, "IT IS 2013 PEOPLE!". We should no longer be teaching any part of history in isolation; only in patterns. Let us look, not at slavery of the blacks, for example, in isolation.. But rather people from all around the world who have been slaves, been oppressed, been beatin' down.. And the patterns that result in their eventual, ultimate,uprisings and incremental liberties.. Pick a nation, any nation, pick a group.. Blacks, Jews, Chinese, women, gays, the pattern! Hint from my favorite poet/humanatarian: they are more alike than they are unalike... That's all for today, "thank you Jesus!". Amen.


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