BUT FIRST! By (me!) Sandra, tvgp
Oh! There are so many stories! The tip stories, the day @ ricks picks stories.. But I can't write these on this I-pad. They must, like a poem, be spaced precisely so... I'll need to get to the library.. Where I can't really have any spicy almonds or a cold beer sitting next to the computer.. And there is no window close enough to stare out of.. That! Was my favorite writing environment: the duplex on Augustine. Write next to the window.. The table I assembled myself.. My oversized chair with the gorgeous cushions I could sit in with my legs crisscrossed. Snacks by my side... God that was a lovely stretch. So, I fantasize now.. Especially now that I've been gifted a keyboard that feels custom made for me... To have a writing station back.. A computer.. A window.. A table where I can have snacks.. No one else around: just me. A view. A computer. My chair. My keyboard. My stories... For this I pray, amen.
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