Thursday, June 27, 2013

MACKLEMORE FAN CLUB (me!) Sandra, tvgp

K, so, I love the heist, I've mentioned it before.. I edit the lyrics when I sing along, but I do dance and sing along.. I can't imagine any of the Christian leaders I admire or listen to celebrating this album, or this artist, but.. If you wade through the f bombs, etc. The message is a great one. And I'm quite fond of track 6 I think it is.. Make the money... Don't let the money make -chu. He sings, "'s a beautiful struggle, I record it. Hope it helps you maneuvering through yours. And that's why we stay in the lab at night. I've been staring into this pad for over half. my. life.". -if he wasn't already a famous rapper, -he'd make an equally great blogger, don't you think. -and oh! Brings to my mind one of my favorite of all time same-artist song blends: John Mayer.. When they blend "I'm never speaking up again" with "your body's a wonderland". -which makes me think.. You know what a perfect/awesome same-artist song blend would be for MACKLEMORE & Ryan... If you heard the lyrics from make the money... And he sings those lyrics above: ...over half. My. Life..... And in the background they mix in "10,000 hours..." lyrics/music. -that would be like, ...clucking awesome!


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