Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"HELP ME RECEIVE.." a frequent prayer from (me!) Sandra, tvgp

I say, "dear Jesus.. Help me to receive.. To receive your abundant and unconditional love... To receive your mercy.. To receive your guidance... To receive your loving correction, to receive your favor, your blessings, your anointing, your forgiveness, your encouragement... Open my heart to receive you... Open my mind to receive you.. Saturate me in your holy spirit... ". -and my prayer continues for a long while to include everyone within loving distance.. Everyone. -often, I think of the saying, 'it is better to give.'. -this is true. But you cannot give anything you have not first received. Think on this: love, mercy, forgiveness, etc: origins? Conception? Birth of...1st time experienced (received) by a human? Hallelujah! And amen!


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