Monday, August 22, 2016

public "thank you!" to (izzy & taryn & jack!) from (me!) writeousmom

oh! i love getting to soak up my daughter while she's here..   and we've been hanging out..  movies/nails/visits..    love every minute.   -and my son is already back in school, so less time..

but! yesterday..   and when i get to be with both of them at the same time..   the joy factor.  anyway, it is a trick and heavenly blessing coordinating schedules sometimes to make that happen.. 

and coordinate for a family photo? juggle 4 separate schedules..  mine/taryn/jacks.. and our generous volunteer photographer izzy..  hers too..

but we somehow made it happen.  and yesterday, thank you izzy, taryn, jack..   we finally had a picture taken which will allow me to update the family photo on my website

as the current one is from 2009.

and everyone has grown quite a bit...    smile..  say, "hootenanny pancakes"

update coming very soon!     


At 12:58 PM, Blogger grandpapez said...



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