Thursday, August 09, 2012


I wasn't yellin'. -but I was thinkin' very loudly at the tv... "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU PHYSICISTS!?". -because here we go again on the science channel.. Illusion of time episode. Another scientist guy talking about how when you leave earth you are traveling back in time. "WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!". When you want to go forward or backward with a tape recording for example.. Or tv show.. What do you do? You press play and then rewind, -write. You don't press play and then stop and then leave your house to see anything backwards. You press play. Stop. Rewind. "SAME THING FOR EARTH!!". -if you want to travel back in time YOU REVERSE THE ROTATION OF THE EARTH IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. -AND SIMULTANEOUSLY REVERSE ITS REVOLTION AROUND THE SUN! You don't leave earth.. Same way you don't leave your house to watch a show backwards, or leave a voice recording to hear it play backwards. Going forward and backward in time = going forward then reverse. Not forward and then to outer space. Somebody get him on the phone...


At 6:17 PM, Blogger SHE said...

Also.. I get that a person in motion vs a person sitting are experiencing time differently.. Those in motion, slower.. Thank you to gravity. And the different "slices" of time in the bread loaf.. What it seems like to me is that we have a lack of vocabulary problem. We use "time" to lump a lot of experiences together. -so, while it is true, motion = slower.. Is this true whether you are headed in same direction as earths rotation? If you are headed in the opposite direction? Or motion is motion.. (?). -and while we can each potentially experience different slices of time.. Is it not also true that two people can. -whistle, let's say.. For the same amount of time (?). In equal proportion. Seems we can both experience time individually AND harmoniously... But I think it's because we don't have a vocabulary for defining the difference.

I remain fascinated how time... Our current colloquial definition of it... Time is consistent. But our experience, internal experience, can feel like time is moving slowly, has zipped by or somewhere in the middle..

What experiences make us hyper aware of every passing second vs. Experiences in which hours pass by and it feels like minutes. -even though the rotation of the earth, force of gravity remains the same.

Our (sub) conscious is a factor... Speed of time is a factor... When our speed of conscious is in harmony with the speed of time (?)

-more ponderings from your favorite thoughtologist..

At 6:26 PM, Blogger SHE said...

I think that is a good and fair question.. Why do we (humans) not internally experience time as being consistent, when it fact, it is?

The planet doesn't really stop; even though it sometimes feel like it has.

Time doesn't really disappear, even though it can seem like it did.

Gives deeper meaning to the saying... Lost in time.


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