Sunday, March 29, 2015

Super Soul Sunday! with (me!) and (oprah!)

Oprah: "what is the difference between spirituality and religion?"

(Me!):  "Yes, yes..

I love your questions Oprah..  I agree with your guest who said spirituality is what unites and religion is what divides.  -how elegant and accurate she is!

Spirituality to (me!) is exactly those things which are true for ALL human beings.. and for which no religion can claim ownership or monopoly..  love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control, for example..

religion.. is a set of specific laws, rules, guidelines, requirements, practices, criteria, etc. Established and enforced by a governing body of a given belief system which sets them apart from others..

Spiritual laws.. that is to say, exactly what makes something a spiritual LAW.. is that it is applicable to all of humanity.

Religious Law is the mandate of only percentages of human beings based on whatever populations are willing to adhere to... meet man-made criteria..  or agree with human interpretations of religious doctrine; written works..


I am a Christian.. I believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit..

I have read many books about the lives of saints.. Seen many interviews.. I pray to Holy Mother Mary.. I read the Bible..

I often do the gesture of the sign of the cross.. I sometimes watch Catholic television..

but I will use a very specific word here:  " allowed"

-because I attend a presbyterian church but have no attachment to what the rules are specific to presbyterianism..  I attend with a non-denominational heart..

I do not feel, although I love many of the teachings, that I am "allowed" to be catholic because:

1. I support gay marriage.
2. I believe in the write of birth control, contraceptives
3. I am pro-choice and believe in the write for a woman to choose whether or not she keeps or terminates a pregnancy.
4. I do not consider masturbation a sin.
5. I believe woman should also be in leadership positions within the church hierarchy.
6. I do not think it is in any way healthy for males to pledge chastity..  for male human beings to be told masturbation is a sin AND never have intercourse either?!   Poor priests..  - to utterly eliminate such a basic human need and create guilt and sin around it.. In my humble opinion is to literally create neuroses in otherwise very normal and healthy human beings.    I put sex in the category of sleep, and food, and rest, and water, and work and exercise.. A fundamental and very basic human need..

the absence of it does nothing to help the oppressed, the poor, the needy..  the widows, the children..    

It is silliness to (me!); utterly counterproductive.

don't get (me!) wrong.. I am sickened by recreational sex..(have received my forgiveness.. /I say with a smile) .  I believe sex should be sacred..   I am not a fan of current cultural trends/practices promoting casual sex.. The exploiting; marketing; capitalising; using; manipulating, etc.

but I do believe sex is a natural and fundamental need of adults which contributes significantly to our overall health and well being..

in Jesus name..  (Sign of cross).  ~amen.


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