Thursday, March 26, 2015

Americas Credibility by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

I would love to see America earn credibility again, wouldn't you?

What passes through my imagination sometimes.. Micro/macro..

let's look at micro:   if a person lead a lecture to a large audience.. about healthy families; how to raise your children..  but you learned that the leader had two kids in prison and one a high school drop out... and one who committed suicide..

credibility?  -would you listen to a single word? Have any respect for?

in this same way; macro..  on a larger scale..  America herself..

Can we have the incarceration rates we do..  Drop out rates? Suicides? Unemployment? Poverty levels.. Crime rates..

and expect anyone from other countries to respect us; hear what we have to say?

we need a much better report card..  We need to demonstrate we know what we are doing..  We need some impressive numbers..

otherwise, we are exactly that leader I mentioned at the beginning; who can take us serious? Who would listen?

America needs to re-earn respect and credibility. America needs a much better report card.

In Jesus name, amen.


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