Friday, October 24, 2014

Key words for (me!) Sandra, tvgp

In Galations 5:1

My previous addictions/strongholds..  Variety of things i was once slave to

They are no more.

They are already well documented so i wont bother to repeat them here.  What is worth repeating is that i have been set free.

Not just set free from the variety of strongholds themselves; but also free from any guilt, self-hate, self-disappointment, once associated with..

Truth does set you free.  "Thank you Jesus!"

I am highly confident that even under enormous trauma or stress, i would not return to any past negative addictive thoughts or behaviors.    Having tasted freedom..  Nothing is worth returning to for comfort

Outside of prayer.

I feel enormously blessed to know this experience.  Slave to freedom.

And it fascinates me..  The use of the word -again- in Galations 5:1.

For me.. It speaks to the idea that it is/was a foregone conclusion.. That at some point, everyone will/would be in fact a slave to something..

In modern times..  What a long potential list, huh

Slave to money; drugs; opinion of others, self-doubt, alcohol, porn, status, schedules, cosmetic surgeries/procedures, fame/popularity..

Add on at will.

But Good God is it a beautiful thing to break free..

So... This passage is very impactful to me: is FOR FREEDOM that Christ set us free...

This also makes me very curious..   In the population at large.. Among the seculars, atheists, and anyone outside of Christianity

Who has lived out this experience:   slave to (variable), and now entirely free

Who or what do you credit with the how...

Are there people who believe they accomplish this on their own?


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