Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Just a dream? By (me!) Sandra, tvgp

You know I am enormously conservative when it comes to sharing my dreams here.. Not my dreams for a better life dreams, I mean the dreams I have during sleep. But..how can I not share this one!? I needed to get back to Pleasanton. I would stop at nothing.. Men kept creating obstacles.. With intention, and determination to make me fall, or tire me out, or injure me so I could not go on.. I had to climb around dangerous ledges, and cross toxic waters.. A very impressive obstacle course it was! And just about every time I was just about to quit in defeat, a female reached out a hand.. she didn't remain at my side though.. She would just appear, help me through, or across or over or under or around the critical portion of a given obstacle, -and then I was on my own again.. Until the next critical juncture.. It was never the same female helping me. It was never the same man trying to prevent me.. But there sure was an undeniable gender message going on here... I will leave it at that.


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