Friday, October 04, 2013

To teacher with love, cont...

Frickin' iPad... Where was I? -when I was throwing some of my tangible memories away, and crying.. Like, literally, really, crying.. To God, "this is hard! This hurts!" -it becomes very frustrating explaining how or where... Physical pain is sooo much easier to see, understand, deal with... Take medicine for.. But when it hurts.. And it sure does hurt.. Parting with some of my physical, tangible memories.. I can't point to it, where it hurts in my body. And I can't describe it, the way I can a migraine. The pain is everywhere and nowhere... So deep -it can't be touched or soothed, I'm convinced, by anyone but God. Anyway.. Back to teacher.. I don't condone, approve or encourage anyone to keep everything so for so long that it piles up and blocks your way to the refrigerator or the bathroom... Of course not. But, I sure do understand how it happens. -and teacher, she told us she was the last in her family line;ever. -as in, she was an only child who never had children.. She didn't have siblings or cousins.. No nieces, nephews,Parents dead. Can you imagine how much more important your memories become in that situation...when it is literally all you have to hold onto to process your existence, ...any chance of being remembered by anyone at all... I understand teacher. I really do. -it was an earth angel of a neighbor named sandy, my uncle, and my dad, -who, once teachers health took a turn for the worse, -dared to go inside, and deal with the very ugly, stinky, messy cock-roach ridden piles of teachers un-parted with tangible memories. I don't believe any pictures, or letters, or newspapers or magazines were even in salvageable condition. -lesson learned. ..and I send my love to you teacher, -picturing you united in heaven with a holy family that grows and grows and has no end.


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