Friday, October 05, 2012

I SAID, "HAS ROMNEY LOST HIS MIND!?!" by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

My republican dad, he said to me, "keep an open mind,". -talking about the presidential debates.. I laughed. "yeah, you too dad.". Knowing we both already had our winners picked out before they hit the stage. But let me give this a go... Let me make every effort to really hear what Romney has to say... Let me shut off any preconceived biases...let me open my heart, my mind, my... STOP! REWIND! PLAY... Did he just say what I think he said?! GET RID OF PBS!?! "GET RID OF PBS!?!?? OH! YOU JUST HUNG YOURSELF PIT ROMNEY!... To the Guillotine with that man's ideas! PBS is like the one and only television station we can actually be proud of! The only programming we can share around the world and be proud of.. Our one people matter light in an otherwise very dark profits only matter mass media world! Do you know where we land without PBS?! Without big bird mr pit Romney... Let me tell you... For children, that would mean about 1 minute of something age appropriate followed by 12 minutes of soft porn commercials selling fast food and or expensive cars or lingerie.. Followed by another 30 seconds of something age appropriate.. Followed by 15 minutes of soft porn commercials... Followed by 15 seconds of age appropriate something, followed by 20 minutes of gag-me advertisements selling a bunch of crap! you get the pattern. It already exists everywhere PBS doesn't. .. That's what you want? Our America to look like? No big bird but yes carls Jr commercials!? And you want to represent our country!? Lead our country?! Be an example?! I'LL PASS -THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! YOU JUST MESSED WITH MY CHARLIE ROSE!?! just go look pit Romney... Go look.. One hour of a non-commercially interrupted CONVERSATION on PBS vs. 12 sound bites between 24 commercials on CBS this morning... Without PBS we give over the (2nd) most powerful communication medium in the world to ADVERTISERS. And pop culture!? That is NOT the direction America should be headed... We are already a cultural embarrassment.. Western values headed so fast down south it's gonna take a miracle... Or say, THE OBAMAS to save us! have 5 sons... Maybe that's exactly the problem! You needed some daughters! You are lacking a certain appreciation and understanding for the world our girls are being asked to... No, demanded to survive. In that one statement... 'get rid of PBS'. You stated so clearly your position... Hand everything over to the white male dominated, wealthy, powerful, commercial, materialistic, opportunistic, profit over people world. I'LL HAVE NONE OF IT! .. You'll take away the beautiful, historical, magnificent commercial free documentaries about space travel, about other cultures, about REAL individual lives... You'll throw all that away for what? Reality tv... Gossip shows.. Another formulaic sit-com that gets squeezed between 6 commercials...I WOULD NOT VOTE FOR YOU IF MY LIFE DEPENDED ON IT... /thank God our lives don't depend on it... Anyway... And about china... Specifically about your antagonistic way of dealing with china... Listen mr pit Romney... We need to move toward building relationships with other countries around the world not isolating, antagonizing, demeaning on the world stage. Yes.. There are problems, there are issues, there is crises.. But! Basic communication for leaders 101 (which I'm not providing an example of here I realize... But im not running to LEAD the free world or represent the whole united states now am I) -101 leadership communication skill set: do not antagonize and isolate a country you ever hope to negotiate with... It seems to me we (that is American leaders, business people, students, etc) have been working very hard towards creating a relationship with china.. While simultaneously healing human rights issues.. And there is a long list here I will skip, but! Point being.. Your superior-antagonistic demeaning way of even mentioning china says to me you are way under qualified to represent the united states of America if we have any hope of moving FORWARD toward peace, democracy.. And on the topic of communication for world leaders... In my lifetime we have never had anyone who is as outstanding and remarkable and skilled/talented as President Barack Obama... I am filled with hope.. I am so proud to know he is at the negotiating tables.. Such a sage, wise, strong, articulate, intelligent, forward, long-view, thinking man. Where ultimately do we want to be? The world to be? What world do we want to raise our children in?'s what it boils down to: pit Romney = more carls Jr commercials. President Barack Obama = PBS. And now, both my father and my brother.. And probably pit Romneys 5 sons.. They love soft porn commercials... But I am a woman, a mother, I have a teen age daughter.. I see beyond the sexual exploitation into the social ramifications... And my open heart, open mind, open wounds all say together, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA FOR A SECOND TERM. PLEASE! And I haven't even finished watching the debates I taped, but honestly... I don't think I can or need to. 'get rid of PBS!?!'. -get rid of Romney!


At 9:05 AM, Blogger Katherine said...

wow. Quite a bit of emotion here, my barefoot blogger friend!

I agree with a lot of what you are saying. People wanted the troops home. He brought a lot of them home. Regarding immigration, people wanted to put a stop to "enforcement only." He got a plan implemented plus increased border patrol. People wanted more jobs. He lowered unemployment 44%.

I'm not a huge Obama fan, but I am NOT a Romney fan, for sure. Obama has a long way to go when it comes to living up to his promises, but Romney makes SCARY promises.

For the record, I rarely announce whom I plan to vote for because I am completely against political parties (though I've got lots of friends in parties). In this case, however, it's obvious to me Romney would try to reverse anything good Obama has done, which would personally affect me and my loved ones, while creating more of a mess than we already have.

At 9:20 PM, Blogger SHE said...

i know.. and obama: nobel peace prize winner, one of the most well respected leaders by other world leaders the united states has ever known, made the decision that helped the seals kill osama bin laden, i believe.. helped spare us from a great depression, made tough decisions re: automotive industry which ultimately proved successful, is helping women maintain their legal right to choose contraception/family planning/abortion, -getting rid of the outdated, dont ask/dont tell policy, welcoming the right for gay marriage, accomplishing the unaccomplishable in healthcare and education.. ending wars.. moving immigration laws into the 21st century.. along with foreign policies/relationships AND environmental issues.. brilliant decisions in transportation.. and this just in: lowest unemployment rates right now since he started office... plus.. the common sense factor when it comes to taxes..

yeah, yeah, yeah.. there are already a gazillion other people writing about those things..

my point is -no man or woman who does not appreciate the value of PBS to the united states and the world should be leading anyone anywhere..

and i'd say more.. but a commercial break is coming on...


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