Wednesday, August 29, 2012

THE FACEBOOK~GUESTBOOK IDEA by (me!) wine goddess @ ruby hill


published on 5/23/11 -lucky number there, see....

and for some reason.. link not working (?)



At 8:13 AM, Blogger SHE said...

Type Facebook guestbook in search bar.

I came up with the idea. Initiated/executed... Invested my own personal time.. Did not get paid.. Devoted I dont know how many hours.. To taking photos, collecting names, testimonies, uploading all the info each morning..

"gave life to a stagnant website" I was told by some upper management... But when management changed.. They stopped the Facebook guestbook altogether.. Which I thought was a great win/win for customers and ruby hill... Capturing history.. Personal testimonies, growing a sense of community, while simultaneously marketing, etc

Now you have to go back in the Facebook archives to see any of the photos/testimonies...

I can't tell you how often I've been told businesses are looking for creative, innovative, self-starter types... How often I've been told there would be a reward for my hard work, initiative, effort, etc.

But the reality has been.. No appreciation, jealousy, -people feeling threatened not supported, etc.

And so, my next re-post will be the anyway poems... Because it is just in me to do what I'm inspired to do;

Despite the thieves and jealous/threatened ones



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