Tuesday, May 09, 2017

The Place I Did Not Die. poem/photos/designs by (me!) sandra, tvgp

you know
how you
see flowers
and crosses
on the side
of the road
at the site
where someone died.
and   though   you   don't   know   who,   when   or   how
you   know   family   and   friends   loved   them;   and   cry.
I   do   the   sign   of   the   cross    -pray   about   loss..    
send   love   through   the   earth,   wind   and   sky
and I did the same,
recently I did the
same for myself
at the place where
I did not die.
-these railroad tracks
are where I didn't die
where no one had to
leave flowers
-these railroad tracks
are where I didn't die
to evil, violent, power.
these railroad tracks 
are where the rapist
 -fled into the night
these railroad tracks 
-they mark the place

the place I did not die.

and God sent me back
to these railroad tracks
so I can see and feel..
God is love. Love is God
no evil will prevail.
Love will get
the final word
death it has no sting
God can use all things
for good

Victory to our King!


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