Monday, April 06, 2015
YOU never know what you'll READ because i never know what i'll RIGHT AKA: sandra, tvgp (tri valley gypsy poet)
Previous Posts
- The Heart Seen.. kinda.. In my beer!
- Public "Thank You!" to (radbert chin o.d!) from (m...
- The Heart Seen.. at Ken Mercer Sports Park..
- Healing has a sweet spot. As seen by (me!) sandra...
- The Roast of Justin Bieber -as seen by (me!) sandr...
- Random thoughts on love.. by (me!) sandra, tvgp
- The Heart Seen... in a bite of emilys birthday ca...
- "That's a sign!". Believes (me!) sandra, tvgp
- and the attacks begin.. for (me!) sandra, tvgp
- Inarticulate~able by (me!) sandra, tvgp
Congrats to Duke... ! /and a cheers to my charlie rose! What a game!!
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