Sunday, November 23, 2014

"Woe to you!". As seen by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

-religious, secular, spiritual, atheist..  -no matter.

Judge this:

Person A has a weakness (weakness is an addiction.. Pick any addiction)

Person B -KNOWS- person A's addiction..    And CHOOSES to exploit it; sets person A up to fail.

Let me use a silly but concrete example:  Adam is trying to stay away from chips.  No longer keeps them in his house; never buys them at the grocery store.

Brian invites Adam over and sits him at a table where there is, guess what

A big bowl of chips.


Which is worse:

If you were to judge for yourself.. Absent any bible; absent any religion..


Now,  I'm going to bring in the bible

Allow the word sin to be a synonym for weakness

And then take careful note of the variety of passages which, in one form or another, say in essence:

"Woe to those of you who cause other people to stumble!"


Every human being is a creation with both strengths and weaknesses; no exceptions to this rule; only variety in type and number of weaknesses and gifts of strengths

Why is this true?

Human beings are created with the ability to hide intentions and motivations..

Why is this true?


Human beings were not created to obey commands like robots; but with free will

Why is this true?


I have come to believe in a God of ultimate justice.  -and we make efforts here on earth; no doubt about it

We instinctively sort it out..

But I have come to believe, to recognize, -how often we fail.

And have come to believe God never does.

Ultimate justice takes place

On the other side.

So I arrive then at the same place the bible mentions.. At the same place written about long ago and far away..

I do not worry. The same God who created,

has already conquered this world.

God can use your weaknesses to the worlds advantage..

I believe God uses weakness to REVEAL the hearts, motivations, intentions of others..

And let me end here at the start:

"Woe to you! who exploit and consciously cause anyone to stumble.."

In Jesus name, -amen.


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