Sunday, November 30, 2014

The most human human.. Cant stop reading & thinking.. (Me!) Sandra, tvgp

-see what happens.. I am only to page 69.. But at every chance my mind defaults to comparisons, differences.  /note of my employment of the word default..

Worth repeating: nothing provides greater analogies; and nothing has ever deepened my appreciation more for what it means to be human

-than comparing us to computers.. And programs..

There are so many overlaps and unique distinctions!   -yesterday, as I danced and sang my way to work while driving..

I re-thought about..  How, yes.. You can program a computer to play music.. To mix genres and create new music; to categorize music; invent music; to determine a humans taste in music..  On and on.. But! What you cannot program a computer to do is

Respond! to music...   Be moved by, emotionally sensitive to, lyrics, melodies, beats..   To like; dislike; favor; be turned on by; get tired/bored with...

You can program in lyrics: a fool for love...   But to -appreciate- those lyrics.. First you must -experience-

Love.  And stupidity.  

-praise God?...    Anyway..  Then I started reading about decision-making..

And I could write another 50 pages regarding my experiences/observations on that topic..

But I will just bullet point.. How... All you need to do is give a person a choice between like items..  Where the differences are minute; and once the choice is made; no one will know or care what the original comparisons were..

And watch..  

I will close with this:  there is a piece of wall art, a painting of a bird, hanging in a house somewhere here in the bay area..

If you were to visit said house..  How much attention would you pay to the size and shape of the birds left eye? As you visited over a cup of coffee?

-because there were two pictures of the bird..  Exactly alike actually..

But I watched one customer deliberate and think and wonder and compare and envision and change her mind several times before picking one over the other...

And I am a new creature.. With an all together different approach and speed when it comes to decision making as a direct result of working at a photography studio..

To observe people comparing pictures of themselves with other pictures of themselves...

Changed me forever.

-I'm compelled to write this author.. 

-you can program a computer to write; but feel compelled?  And then honor or override that feeling?


At 10:02 AM, Blogger SHE said...

Love this book;these stories.. All the thoughts it inspires

Nice ending..

And I close with what is for me one of the great distinctions/fascinations when it comes to humans..

It is our ability to BELIEVE that which we do not know..

And how much of our daily lives are lived based on beliefs vs. Knowledge

The definitions of each..

The internal experience that takes place..

The internal experience when we learn -something we believed was true; is really true or, is not true..

And something we thought we KNEW turns out to be false.. Or true..

So these things then:

Beliefs. Knowledge. Truth. And the ability to -learn-

Wow! -and internally -experience-

And discern/identify the differences going on inside us..

I'm blown away..

So, ... The ability to experience and identify that...

Being wow'd and blown away...

Amen! & amen!


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