Friday, May 16, 2014

"IS NOT!" a bran new poem, by (me!) sandra, tvgp

in order to read it though, you'll need to click on comments.. because in comments my spacing will be honored. and just for the record.. this poem, it turns out, is a prelude to a different poem i'll be writing soon, but apparently, this one had to come out first:


At 10:15 AM, Blogger SHE said...

it is not, "in his kiss"
it is not, "in her eyes"

it is not in hello's or good-buys.

it is not, "meant to be"
it is not, "hard to find"

and it is certainly not "one of a kind."

it is not better pre-arranged
it is not better in the western world

it is not chemistry and compatibility swirled

it is not ~unaffordable
it is not ~for FREE!

IT IS NOT UNATTAINABLE for you or for (me!)

it is not, "in his touch"
it is not, "in her glance"

it is not when you get
in his or her pants

it is not 'cuz you laugh
it is not 'cuz you cry

it is not in hard truths or white lies

"iT Is noT.. It iS NOt..."

the uncaged bird sings,

"iT Is noT... It iS NOt..

anY OF ThOsE ThiNGs..

what TruE LovE is

~self seeking."


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