Friday, May 16, 2014


see picture below. -or above? i'm not sure where it will end up, because -pictures- i have to take with my phone, and upload, -but for text content, of course i want to be write here: in front of my pc and on my favorite keyboard of all time. -let me from now on just say, FKOAT. or not, .. because it is so wonderful, why on earth would i want to abbreviate anything.. this keyboard makes me want to type everything out in its longest form. -all the abbreviations we are using these days, -maybe people dont realize, but i think it has a lot to do with how yucky some of the devices are to type on. -NONE OF THAT IS MY POINT, of course, its just fun to mention. MY POINT: is today i woke up with a very clear picture in my head, so i drew it out for you. it is representative of what i am experiencing now, vs. what i experienced during, the heart, if you will, of my PTSD.. WAIT! -of my post traumatic stress disorder. it has to do with our awareness of our mortality. now, the average, non-traumatized adult, lives -as you can see in my very scientific picture, with a tiny awareness of his or her mortality. everyone pretty much knows that tomorrow is NOT GUARANTEED.. but most people function AS IF IT IS.. and see death as HIGHLY UNLIKELY. -for people with post traumatic stress disorder; reverse that! people with post traumatic stress disorder live with a chronic and gargantuan awareness of their mortality. they KNOW TOMORROW IS NOT GUARANTEED! and function as if it is not.. and see living to see a new day as HIGHLY UNLIKELY. i function these days with a small to medium awareness of my mortality.. but i sure do remember: "why on earth do people purchase anything in bulk? ....anything for "next" Christmas..." i literally saw that as being way overly optimistic. -now, where does all this take place inside our brains? the mortality awareness neuron? synapes from where to where? report back to (me!) as soon as you know...


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