Monday, August 12, 2013

MONKEYS OFF MY BACK by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

I just love this vision that hit me the other morning. It's like the opposite of the iconic Darwin drawing of the monkey evolving into man: in my vision, as the human grows into an adult monkeys start being added to his back.. More monkeys and more monkeys.. Weighing the human down, and then God steps in, and the monkeys (representing addictions, etc) start being removed one by one until the human is standing up write and free... -this has certainly been and is my experience... When I see someone smoking, I always send a quick thank you prayer to heaven, "thank you Jesus that that monkey is no longer on my back!" -when I hear someone speak of eating disorders, or certain phobias.. Long list, I say it again and every time.. "thank you Jesus that that monkey is no longer on my back!". -new page: it's been difficult to be or do unpredictable things.. But very easy to find pleasant surprises. I noticed all my pleasant surprises have been wildlife... A baby lizard, an egret, a mom and baby deer, the Canada geese... -new page: had to laugh because I just talked with a young lady who was going to be visiting family, and it was with some dread, because, "they tell the same stories over and over...". I told her I just got done blogging about that... Turning myself in.. How guilty I am of that very crime.. But everyone seems to do it... And I broke the news to her as gently and politely as I could. Said, "sorry to tell you this truth.. But as your parents get older... It's gonna get worse not better.". I think over riding our default memory settings is similar to clicking on a preset hyperlink but expecting it to link somewhere else... God bless us. Amen.


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