"I'M A PANELIST! I'M A PANELIST!" (me!) Sandra, tvgp
"ON THE BRAIN INITIATIVE PROJECT!". -k, so.. And really, thank you so much for inviting me..I'm honored. I'm excited. I'm thrilled. Now.. I've set before you a looong list of questions. Answer them. And I ran out of ink so will verbalize number ten for you now; write it down: k. I can only speak for western culture. K, well, the east bay.. But under the topic of self-consciousness, self worth and insecurities... What you see, is almost a paranoid level of insecurity when it comes to females and physical appearance, and then like ZERO, concern for certain violent criminal behaviors on the part of a certain percentage of men. Now.. If we can figure out how to make these certain percentage of abusive men feel as self-conscious about their behavior, as say, women are made to feel about their hair color and style... This will become a much more giant leap: making man kind. And I know I'm not supposed to give away any answers... But.. Let me provide two subtle hints: mass. And media. Or for you math geniuses on the panel: mass + media = culture. Culture = what you currently witness everyday around you. Culture is not fixed it is a .... Say it with me... My favorite math word, " variable ". For you neuroscientists on the panel... Culture is Malleable; like the brain itself, it has plasticity. And now, before you break for lunch... Why are you here? What are your TRUE motivations? Goals? God knows.
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