Tuesday, May 14, 2013

THE UNSHOCKABLES by (me!) Sandra, tvgp

You've heard of the baby boomers generation, generation x and y... Write. But have you ever heard of the UNSHOCKABLES? That's how I identify my generation, it's just never caught on.. I was born in 1966. I'm not sure the spectrum for the UNSHOCKABLES... 1960-into forever I suppose.. Let me explain what it means. Why I identify my generation that way: because my parents, both born in 1943, well.. You could shock them with what is today very benign information.. If an unmarried 16 year old was pregnant by a person of a different race, for example.. That might actually have been shocking in the 1950's. But I pointed to a stranger the other day in a restaurant, and as an imaginary example.. If you told me that the woman I was pointing to was actually born a man but had had a sex change operation and was now having an affair with a politician whose cousin was just arrested for spying and the whole arrest was just a show to manipulate the public by way of mass media, while in virtual reality they were all part of an underground weapons trade organization... I would just go, "oh, really. -so what's new on the menu?". And I think that's true for most of my peers.. Between the evolution of technologies placed in the palm of our hands and the mass media introduction of new social norms -can any new thing be considered a surprise. I think my generation represents the generation born after "wow!" and into "oh, really."


At 1:05 AM, Blogger Katherine said...

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're awesome! And so right.


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