Tuesday, April 30, 2013

PERFECT VISION, by (me!), sandra, ttgp originally posted 10/18/06

my contribution to cynthia bryant's "gift of words" collection of poetry for the iraqi people.

perfect vision
fellow humans,

it is crucial we look
with both eyes wide open
at the cruelty humans can inflict
on one another

to see the pain
experience the suffering
be angered into action

it is crucial we know
with heart, mind and both arms wide open
the compassion humans can extend
to one another

to see the offering
receive the love
be united by its power

it is crucial we starve hate
-to death!
and feed respect everyday
~in abundance
the diverse nutrients it requires
-to live!

it is crucial, now and always
we close our eyes
for even one moment each day

to see -with perfect vision-
all humans

all humans in harmony
as we rotate together
on this miracle planet



At 12:28 PM, Blogger fiona said...

... it is crucial we know

that we have an illiterate, President, who unfortunately can't read this fine words...

Perfect, Sandra..

At 7:33 AM, Blogger SHE said...

carrie! great to hear from you and thanks!

more importantly... your name "links" again.. must go re-visit your blog AND change my profile accordingly ")

your comments to len always leave me laughin'! and why is his misery so damn funny? the car... the inscribed book for sale

what kind of friend am i? .. i hope he has a terrible weekend so i can read about it monday and laugh ")


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