Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Can't explain it -just know it's true. By (me!) Sandra, tvgp

If /in several cases when... A male co-worker mentions he's been to a strip club or topless bar... I can be like... Really? What was that experience like? But if my handsome prince did the exact same thing: divorce! And we are not even married. -why is that? And more to my infinite curiosities... How? Where? Is the biological/psychological/emotional care-switch inside my being? I'm fascinated... If Jesus will forgive my language... Where is that I-give a shit/I don't give a shit switch/mechanism? Thing... And very quick before I must go: repeat Joyce Meyers husband's response to her saying, "don't you think that woman was pretty?". He said: "I don't notice other women... You're my girl". And I said out loud to the tv and God... " that man fell straight from heaven itself!". -and different women have different sensitivities, etc and vice versa, but falling under the "know thyself" category... I know what I need.. And it's not the type of man who can or will go to a strip club or anything within that same genre... Instructions to my handsome prince: remind me you love me everyday. Tell me I'm beautiful everyday exactly as I am. Pretend not to notice other women. /and he thinks I'm so complicated...; I'm easy. -that doesn't sound write... But you know what i mean.


At 10:58 AM, Blogger Katherine said...

I have a real problem with strip clubs and am SO glad I am with a man who doesn't feel the need to go to one.

Sounds like you've got a great guy there. So do I. We're blessed, huh?


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