Sunday, October 07, 2012

I CANNOT TELL A LIE (me!) sandra, tvgp

sometimes people mean it as a type of compliment. -sometimes. when they tell me how authentic, or honest i am.. truth is. /because apparently i have no other way of communicating... "i cannot tell a lie!" but not in some moral, wonderful, saintly kind of way.. more like in a, i never learned how to lie without my face giving it away kind of way. there are many instances where i would lie if i could lie. turns out it is an important life skill. -but just as a physically challenged person learns to work around their limitations, and say.. ski with one leg. i've learned how to work around my own inability to lie. there's a little part in my brain i can override; it must be a neuro synapse thing that (dis)connects literal truth from circumstantial, actual and/or moral truth... so, let me give you an example. and i have to explain it, since i have no way to upload the charming picture i took until I GET A NEW COMPUTER!! anyway.. grabbed a napkin. grabbed a sharpie. wrote: for the washington post. so, when i meet with the editor next week, and they ask me.. i won't be lying. and my face wont give it away!


At 5:40 PM, Blogger Katherine said...

LMAO!!!! You're the best, you know that?

For decades I've said, "I'm not smart enough to lie." Seriously. I suck even at white lies. I couldn't keep a real lie straight if I had to, and even if I could, my overweening sense of guilt would make me confess anyway. It so happens that I think being honest is the way to go and that the truth shall set us free, but it's easier to live up to those beliefs when you're simple minded like I am. I'm easily confused as it is. Why would I want to complicate my life with lies? Life is complicated enough, thank you very much.

Good luck with your interview, and bring your napkin with you in case you need proof of your experience!


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