Tuesday, September 18, 2012

THINGS WILL EVEN OUT! from (me!) thanks to (jack handey!)

i've just retyped your piece from the mar 3rd new yorker and laughed again! -you give me hope jack; hope and inspiration

i'm still waiting for things to even out. few years back, i brought my revolutionary new product to a huge tradeshow. no one noticed. "it's your overalls and tennis shoes," the consultant guy told me.

so next trade show i dressed for success. and i'm not a lesbian yet, but something about that nordstrom woman's cleavage and italian accent made me buy three pair of expensive, pointy, 3" heels with three expensive dresses to match.

things will even out, i told myself at the register

i brought my revolutionary new product back to the trade show. the consultant man was right. people noticed. some people even engaged me in deep conversation while their friends loaded up on my product and power-walked towards the exit.

this is how things even out? i wondered from inside a very expensive 10x10 cage

had i been wearing my tennis shoes, i would have ran after that thief and tackled him to the tradeshow floor! but when i was wearing my tennis shoes; no one was stealing my product. yes, i can see then, things even out. i removed my 3" heels but my skirt was too tight to jump the counter

dressed for success i could only yell, "hey, that's stealing!"

"no," the consultant man told me, "that's business."

things will even out! i told myself as i filed for chapter 13

those people probably spent thousands of dollars and several years in business school learning to steal other people's ideas and products

when God gives inspiration for free.


At 3:37 PM, Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

Oh my...Things will even out, they will work out. I don't know how, I don't know where or in what way, but they will. We have to keep believing. Next trade show, maybe go for the middle of the road...pressed khaki's, a shiny shirt & bright white, new running shoes. Neat & ready to go.

At 4:35 PM, Blogger SHE said...

slb: .. i have so many memories from these gigantic trade shows..

the most lingering being,

never again.

"live, learn, and go make new mistakes!"

much love, ~s.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

Lol...I love it! Yes, onward bound & determined to make new mistakes! ;)

At 3:04 PM, Blogger SHE said...

Originally posted 03/03/2008


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