THE PROBLEM WITH BEING IN MY LATE 40's by (me!) Sandra, tvgp
Is that by this time, I've read and/or listened to so many critical reviews of famous people that I know in advance what I'm going to read or hear. I reach certain paragraphs or parts of conversation, and say to myself, very sarcastically.... "don't tell me, let me guess...: there are scholars who question(insert any famous person's name here) sexuality.". And.. "don't tell me, let me guess...there are scholars who question whether (insert famous person's name here) actually did all the (insert craft/talent here).". And always a conspiracy theory... Then I find myself wanting to quote passages from the bible... From the prophet I thought seemed like a clinically depressed mysogynist (sp?). ...there is nothing new under the sun...Ecclesiastes 1:9. What has been will be again (and again, and again..) what has been done, will be done again (and again and again) There is nothing new under the sun. And if I let it... I get depressed thinking about the truth of that... There are new broken hearts everyday.. But not new ways to break them... There are two new people falling in love, but nothing new about love itself... No new stories... No new biographies.. Just change cast and scenery and time... So many repetitive patterns within humanity's narrative... Good ones, bad ones.. But quite predictable. ...what I wouldn't give to be surprised...
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