Permission DE-NIED to (me!) ~tops
akward moment 76321
you already know my goal "lets label all the trees!" "let's introduce them by name!" and you already know, if walk down my neighborhood, and knock on the doors of everyone, and ask them, "do you know the name of the tree in front of your house? in your front yard? -even people who have lived here since 1812, and have been looking at the tree in front of their house for -ever! -a very, very, small % of the population can name their tree
and! aren't quite sure how they can go about figuring it out...
/don't accidentally load an app on your phone with every species of tree in northern california; that backfired
my sexy and i, we go on long walks now and then, and on those walks, we pass one house
/and i wont say the street name...
but, we pass this one house, with an absolutely gorgeous, and very enormous tree, that inspires the same awe every time we see it
and we always wonder the same thing.. "do you think the roots have lifted up or damaged the house inside?"
and so, maybe it was today, or maybe it was last month,
/i wont say when
but, for the first time ever, the owner of the house was out by this marvelous tree, and so...
when i thought about it, as we proceeded on our walk,
well, i'm going to need to work on my wording.. -because, essentially, what i was asking, although not in these words
i mean, once i found out, said owner does not know the name of the tree! that stops everyone in their tracks, and which s/he has walked past for who knows how many decades...
so, i guess, well, "may i please exploit your ignorance about your tree to help me with my cause?"
i really wanted his picture, next to the gorgeous, enormous tree, with a headline
-these just get worse and worse, as you can see.. and what a hypocrite i am! did i know the name of any of the trees in my yards growing up? on the school campuses? in the landscaping of the local mall?
no. i have given trees names; or believed they kind of introduced themselves to me..
this is a more recent revelation; it started during, and remains in the aftermath of working at alden lane nursery in livermore, and after having the opportunity to pick and plant a new tree in our front yard
anyway, a very fine and wonderful conversation with this lovely man..
/or woman..
when you remove my awkward contribution and focus more on the exchange between my sexy and the home owner; their conversation flowed freely and beautifully
and i am very proud of myself for not taking a picture, and just listening.. honoring... and then moving write along..
but doesnt it make you just a little bit curious? -why do we just walk write past.. live next to... sit under and picnic.. get shade from... and literally breathe thank you to.. and yet, so many of us have no idea what types/names of trees we co-exist with every single day.
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