Thursday, June 11, 2020

Speaking of Domestic Violence (me!) sandra, tvgp

as i've mentioned  -when you have lost a loved one, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays are times of peak and intensified sadness

we are approaching the one year anniversary of cynthia's death.

we, robert & i, have decided in advance, that we will not recognize the day of her death, but instead will remember her with a memory celebration of her life, on her birthday in september

i am so grateful for how  -Jesus lead-
we have moved on from this horrific violent tragedy and great injustice

Ephesians 6:13

..having done all the crisis demands...

ryan is in jail.   it will be anywhere from 4 to 5 years before he is officially sentenced; but he is off the streets    -we cannot do more here; it is done.
the family gathered, shared love & memories, and placed cynthia's ashes with her parents ashes
there is not more we can do here; it is done

those are the practical/pragmatic realities the crisis demanded.   add in realities the crisis demands like cleaning cynthia's aparment; dividing/donating her property; legal paperwork; visits to police station, mandatory phone calls, etc.

and Robert and I decided together, that evil had already taken too much territory

that if we spent our days upset, in a rage, tormented, angry, vengeful and/or inconsolably sad 

that would be evil claiming even more territory.

we are fighting like Christians in this spiritual battle

love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self control

Trusting God

the obituary enlightens people about domestic violence 

and requests/suggest   [does not demand or pressure or force] 

but if you would like, 

in lieu of flowers

donate to a domestic abuse center of your choice.


i cannot process, think about, consider, or write about this violent tragedy; this murder

without seeing it in contrast to our recent current events

and ponder

media attention and how it does and does not work.

awareness campaigns and how they do and do not work

protests and how they do and do not work


i know this:

where you see enlightenment, peace, unity, justice, healing and love

you see God at work through people

where you see ignorance, conflict, division, injustice, aggravation and hate

you see humanities enemy at work through people


In Jesus name, with love & gratitude for our healing

and in prayer for healing for all

hallelujah & amen!


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