Thursday, May 28, 2020

Against such things there is no law. revisited by (me!) sandra, tvgp

Public "Thank You!" to my sister

who surprised me recently with the gift of the t-shirt I am wearing in the picture above.

you know, if you know me at all, that that would be the name of my church, and my denomination, if I were to create yet another new one:


I've already written about it, so will just link here

[new format; unable to link  -type FOTS and Fruits of the Spirit in search bar of this blog]

but, worth repeating also, that like love..

the fruits of the spirit are not limited resources.

if one person exercises great patience over there...

that does not mean that another person has to live with less, or none.

they are not found in only certain parts of the earth

no one 'owns' the writes to..

they are not registered trade marked

there is no 'patent'

they are universally available; infinitely.

fruits of the spirit are the exact opposite of limited resources

they never need to be rationed

they cannot be 'marked up' in value

or reduced and on clearance.

we will never 'run out'


just as the Bible teaches  -each person has a seed of..  and has the opportunity to develop




and ultimately master:

love, peace, patience


kindness, gentleness, goodness

faithfulness and self control.


let me briefly discuss 'self control'

people often light heartedly joke, self control is listed last because it is the hardest; the last one Jesus even expects us to master

but WOW! to gaining mastery in this area

sometimes it helps to see life, without self control, in order to appreciate how vital:

for a drug addict example  -the 'self' is not in control; the drug does all the dictating.

for an insecure person; the 'self' is not in control; the insecurity is dictating.

for easily offended people, one comment someone says or makes in social media can control the mood, attitude, actions of a person, so that the mean spirited person is in control; not the 'self'

fear based news reports can make it so 'fear' controls..

manipulative people can control...

circumstances can control, 

money can control

on and on, etc., etc.

but as you recognize, practice and master 'self' being in control vs. outsiders (people)
or circumstances

this yields a liberating internal peace more valuable than anything I can think of..


what I've personally noticed, and recognize as truth in my own via, actual experiences

is what spiritual masters teach over and over using different words and different examples

and it is this:

not necessary does life change; do circumstances change

but HOW YOU RESPOND changes.


my two best examples are traffic/driving
and the work place


traffic/driving:   the rude, selfish, reckless drivers have not left the roads and freeways

they were there before
they are there now
they will be there tomorrow

I've learned to respond differently
spiritual growth allows me to keep driving, do the best I can, and stay in peace (save a few exceptions) and keep getting to and from the places I need to get to and from

I do not magnify the idiots; the accidents; the near misses
I do not tell all the awful stories over and over to co-workers, friends or family

I, very on purpose, exercise 'self' control, vs. letting idiots control...

it is a challenge, but has gotten easier with practice.


Robert said to me recently 'ive never heard you say anything negative about your work.. your job'

and it is true.

I do work in a beautiful environment.  and I work with quality people.  and some of the best customers

but over what is 4 years now, of course I have had opportunities to be 
offended, upset, hurt, annoyed, etc.

but spiritual growth allows me 'self' control, vs.  circumstance controlling me

I do not magnify anything ugly; I shrink it

I magnify everything beautiful and going write

I pray through certain situations..

" forgive me my trespasses and help me immediately forgive anyone who trespasses against me'

I let all ugly things go as quickly as possible
and marinate in any and everything beautiful and good.

the results are so overwhelmingly wonderful; I know this is my walk; this is the path; for now and the rest of my life.

'self' control.   

i control what i do and do not say

i control what thoughts to entertain, what thoughts to delete

i do not control other people

'self' control  not manipulate and control others...


and I sure do Thank God, and Jesus..  for FOTS.   they are worthy of deep study

by everyone.

and how fun to have a colorful t-shirt
that reminds me, allows me to advertise what I believe in


if we were to say, combine with NIKE, then
this t-shirt would communicate


if we combined with a mixed drink or beer on the t-shirt
it would communicate:   "cheers!" to FOTS

such opportunities here, especially because no religion or faith system OWNS..

for secular and spiritual to celebrate together.


hallelujah & amen!



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