Sunday, June 07, 2020

Most Valuable Lesson about Aggression as seen/shared by (me!) sandra, tvgp

wish I could make the watching and study of this program, with everything Johanna Ray Vollhardt, has learned and teaches about aggression  -a mandatory requirement in school curriculums everywhere

subject: aggression
program: Charlie rose
guest:  johanna ray vollhardt

primary lesson: what results in an altruistic response vs. violent response to victimization

my initial reaction to the program


my sincere curiosity  -as I do not know..   have no personal experience traveling, experiencing the culture in germany or israel  -and I don't read about....   -but, I very recently heard a black man on tv, talking about how America has never properly atoned for slavery.       are there percentages of jews today, looking for the current generation of germans to atone for the holocaust?   are they stuck?   have they moved forward?  what can we learn from each other....

and, turn page;  yesterday was the anniversary of D Day   -and it just sharpens the breaks in my heart to consider our service men and women out there  -putting their lives on the line for all americans

  and to watch so many americans fighting against each other..  it's the saddest thing.


on a very happy note  -we were out on a walk yesterday, and a very diverse group of people were out and about on walks, playing baseball, tennis, cricket...  walking, jogging, exercising in the greenbelts

shopping!  and restaurants with "dine-in" now available.

and "michaels! is open"    -I've had a gift card just waiting.... waiting...

and I am now the proud owner of a new Fiskars paper trimmer  ("thank you Deborah/Solomon and Robert!")..    and I was inspired recently to create a mag time frame..

and you know what that did,   -write

that inspired me to make another one...       and another one after that..

the joy!

and so, ….    i'm in the early stages of researching/learning about a shop on etsy, 

   -my heart has refound the creative beat it loves to dance to

in Jesus name,  hallelujah & amen!


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