Wednesday, March 18, 2020

National Day of Awe & Appreciation by (me!) sandra, tvgp

have got somethin' very important to say!

pay attention you youngins'


so, if you asked globally, /I don't know exactly how many years ago, but more than several

;and if you asked..

and it almost didn't matter who you asked when it comes to age, race, political affiliation, sexual orientation, economic status, faith system... favorite tv show..   ice cream, etc.

because EVERYONE was answering the same question

like, almost 100%

the same way.

and the ANSWER was


and the question was..

if there was a fire in your home, and you could only grab...  
what would be the most important?   (after people/pets, of course)


AND so pause to factor that in.. i'll spare you the 13 page essay on why pictures, 
family pictures, friends, weddings, bdays, etc. are as important to humans as they are

but just stop to pause and acknowledge, HOW IMPORTANT THEY ARE TO 

and, so, 

well, who exactly?  when exactly?  on what date and time did someone(s)
create the CLOUD?

because, for the gazillion of people who now get to put their vital pictures in a cloud storage of some kind..

if there home caught on fire... and after people/pets, they could grab only one thing..

the point im trying to make is this:

it is A VERY BIG DEAL FOR GAZILLIONS OF PEOPLE that this storage innovation exists!

and, in my imagination..  im like..

I don't understand why we don't have a national day of awe & appreciation
where everyone is encouraged to join together for a day and just..

just celebrate these monumental life enhancers; and dance around the street, and have a parade, and make a big deal about it the way we did the Warriors World Championship.

I asked my children recently..   when did we all stop to celebrate cloud storage?

we seem to just keep skipping past the awe and appreciation and on to the next thing..

like, nothing is any big deal.  but I promise you, as a person born in 1966

this digital photo storage thing IS A VERY BIG DEAL!   -both the digital aspect and the storage aspect

especially as I continue during this current covid 19 lockdown to go through my boxes and boxes of print photos from my own, and my other family members lives..

my children will not cart physical pictures from this location to that location..

and im pretty sure, even the pictures I pass on to them, will be digitized and originals will get tossed.

so, anyway..

in my imagination we should have a common day, where everyone around the world celebrates an innovation, or problem solved..  big or small, a few or several..

each student in school on this day, shares about something they are grateful for
each person working stops to share and recognize a technology or problem solved they are grateful for...

as thanksgiving day is to family & friends; awe & appreciation day is to things that improve our daily life

so, the picture thing..  digital/storage; that's a biggie!

but there are these things I come across everyday, that make me just stop and whisper "thank you!"  and I literally never know exactly who I should thank..  but would love to..

couple smaller examples:

as you know I've moved over 30 times..   I've dealt w/countless cardboard boxes..

I was always getting tripped up, closing them.. like, which way exactly do I fold the four flaps so it stays closed without tape?    

and now, I've come across several different WONDERFUL cardboard box designs that have made life much easier when it comes to cardboard boxes..

like some are literally labeled; each flaps has a number 1, 2, 3, 4.. instructing you how to fold

oh! the mercy of it all..  i'm so grateful

and some have these cuts/designs that fold and seal in a way that, no matter the weight of what is inside; you don't need tape; they kind of self-seal through folding patterns

awesome!  "thank you!"

and, I don't know why it's not on the market yet, but.. if anyone can help

speaking of packaging tape.. write now everyone always struggles to find the new starting place once you've used a strip.  the clear tape adheres back to itself, and is so camouflaged..  and then you have to run your fingers over and over... trying to tell by touch/feel, where you can start peeling again..  

and what I do,  /and what many people do, in similar ways, 

is find something nearby, to stick to the end of the tape, so when it adheres back to itself..   

like, this:

and so, doesn't it make sense, that maybe they should already have it with a string/device attached so the consumer doesn't have to make-shift something every time.

/you're welcome..

and then, another smaller than pictures/storage, but absolutely worthy of some awe & appreciation

label maker adhesive strip backing

in my youth, whenever I used these, you type your label, 

autographed books      -for example, and that part is in fact, easy

and you print it out, the machine has a self cutting thing, very helpful

but then after you have the label in your hand..  it would take like 3 to 5 or just give up minutes to remove the backing so you could adhere your label to your project

you had to be very patient trying to separate the label from the disposable backing.. it could only be done from one end or the other..   and, if you put your fingernail, just write..  just between, and 

and inevitably, just when you thought you could separate label from the back; folding it this way and that..  yes you have it!  whoops, no you don't!   then you would realize all the effort crinkled up your label, and you have start all over

so, when I used a newer label maker, and I discovered that the backing has been designed to SOLVE THIS PROBLEM... by being pre-slit all the way down the center; horizontally!

-you just barely fold, and..   instantly you can pull off the label from the back, toss backing in the garbage and apply your sticky label..

well!    -whoever you might be...  "THANK YOU!"

and as ive mentioned before, I was never once curious about, or taught..  in my youth, about HOW a NATIONAL HOLIDAY gets officially placed on a calendar..  I just loved having days off from school!   -but when I saw the documentary about HOW the Martin Luther King Jr Day became official..   the obstacle course; the time, the energy, the effort,  -Stevie Wonder's Happy Bday Song.., etc., etc.

well, I do not have that kind of energy, determination, or calling on my life

/which is why God gifted me with this blog, you see..

because here I can just share what I would do IF I had the energy, determination and calling...


i'm going to close this post here with great awe & appreciation for "MY STICKY NAILS!!"

ANOTHER BIG PROLEM SOLVED! for many, many, many people...!!

so, 1st we had what I will describe as 'regular nail polish'   which took a long time to dry..

then we got  -gel

which I have already described as the greatest manicure I will never get again!

and, but..

now we have sticky nails!  and it is real nail polish, easy to apply, already & immediately dry, last through showers, doing dishes, arts & crafts for 10 or more days! 

and best part of all...     easy to remove!  no damage to my nails!

and if you see the picture of me praying at the top of this post:  that is a French manicure I gave myself yesterday morning which took all of about 20 minutes..   no waiting for anything to dry and!  I got two packs for $15

awe. & appreciation.
more later...

im off to sort through hundreds of print photos..  and thousands of papers

be well; God is with you, 



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