it is my contention that for all of time, there has, is and will ever only be one war being waged.that war is oppression vs. freedom; good vs. evil.
it wears many masks; it goes by many names, but it is always, at its core
a fight for freedom.
-for countries, nations, individuals.
break it down, crack it open, look inside: a fight for freedom. played out, again and again.. over and over, in households, in schools, in work environments, in neighborhoods, in gangs, in churches, in cities, states, countries, in governments, in boardrooms, in print, in conversation, online, in relationships of every kind, in situations of every kind,
unwrap it; dissect it: a fight for freedom.
inside your heart and mind, this fight can be on par with any war in history or to come.
and on this veterans day, as an American citizen, I will take time out to pray and say and "thank you!" to all our veterans for their noble service
and I will think: as our military fights for our "freedom"
puts their lives on the line to protect our "freedoms"
-I wonder if I could google and get an exact number?
what percentage of the American population alive and on the planet today...
what percentage? how many citizens would describe themselves as
IF you have an addiction of any kind; you are not free.
if you are drowning in debt; you are not free
if you are trapped in a cult, or gang; you are not free
if you are being bullied on a school campus, or anywhere; you are not free
if you are in an abusive relationship; you are not free
if you are preoccupied with worry, concern, fears, phobias; you are not free
if you are living or working in an environment which you pray to escape; you are not free
if you don't know where your next meal or dollar is coming from; you are not free
if one false move will cost you your job or house; you are not free
if you are slave to public opinion; you are not free
if you are consumed with jealousy, or hate, or plots to revenge; you are not free
if you are a slave to a trafficker; you are not free
if you are being drugged, manipulated, exploited, used; you are not free
if your family will only love and support you IF...(criteria variable here); you are not free
if you have a sexual or political or religious orientation you must hide to survive; you are not free
this list could go on and on
but it is innately the goal; a spiritual law because it applies to all of humanity
we seek freedom from oppression.
we seek freedom from oppression in everyday ways as individuals
and we seek freedom from oppression and dependency as a nation.
it is ultimately the only war going on at any given time.
call it a fight for democratic values, racism, ageism, sexism, territory
call it whatever you want
name the characters, set the scene, describe the weaponry of the given times
one war: good vs evil, where freedom is very, very good
oppression is evil
and the fight is always worth the effort; the cost
when is it ever handed to you?
but we do certainly seem, each of us, to be born with an internal GPS for seeking it; and more importantly
knowing when we have achieved it.
I can tell you, -having lived in gang and drug infested neighborhoods/schools; having been in, and observed abusive relationships, as a kidnap/rape survivor, a PTSD survivor; having lived both financially stable and under the poverty line for great lengths
I very clearly know the difference between oppressed and free
and Praise God that, -I am not just -free, in the superficial sense of the word,
but as, Bishop T.D. Jakes preaches so well,
"I am free indeed!"
and being free indeed.. in my opinion, observation and experience
is the most worthy pursuit for any human; the greatest, most rewarding accomplishment
if I could myself, change and edit to accommodate what I have learned:
... the free indeed kind of liberty!
which results in peace of mind.
and where happiness is a direct by~product
/admittedly this is not as catchy as life, liberty and the pursuit..
we are all soldiers in a fight for freedom;
and there is always only one war going on
and it is worth it.
we are all born slaves to one thing or another; and our purpose is to break free..
carry on every soldier! ~there is much work to be done
and, let me conclude with this veterans day inspired question:
countless noble lives have been sacrificed; and will be sacrificed..
countless American lives -individuals serving in the military write now, are on the line for you
there lives are literally on the line for you..
for your "freedom" -and you will probably never meet.
are you free? indeed?
would that not be the best and most appropriate form of gratitude; to honor their service?
hallelujah & amen!
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