Friday, October 06, 2017

Does not meet or satisfy criteria for 'ANSWER' -to (me!) sandra, tvgp

my QUESTION is how do we see things,  in and with our mind?

DO THIS:  say the name of your 3rd grade teacher out loud.   and now, close your eyes and..

see her?  him?   [oh! where is my 2017 gender sensitivity? political correctness...]

let me begin again:

say the name of your 3rd grade teacher..   and now, close your eyes and..

see your 3rd grade teacher?

write down in great detail what you see

just the face?    the entire person?  with any background?   music?  

and what size?  thumbnail?  4x6?    8x10?     poster?    

how far in the distance?     and what I mean is..

DRAW on an 8 1/2 x 11 paper, what you see?   does it fit?

is it a small face in the center of the page?    take up the whole page?  a close up?

how long can you -hold- the picture in your mind before it starts to disappear or subside?

if you compared what you see in your mind, with what you would see if you took a picture..

from a few feet away?   long distance?  side by side?

write down every detail of the picture in your mind, summoned..   of your 3rd grade teacher.


on my first, initial, very surface investigation for an answer on the world wide web, I clicked on this:

which I am immediately fond of because it says 'explain like i'm 5' at the top..


what I read,  -absolutely.. does not suffice.  like, at all.

               'when youre imagining, the messagsa are less clear'

NO.   I can see very clearly with my mind..   no blur.  very detailed..  but,

there is a distinction to be made immediately, not covered in this non-answer, but vital

at least for me,

there is a large distinction to be made between

that is to say..    when you REMEMBER someone, that ='s   a person your brain has met in real life,  filed, archived and can be re-called   [much more I don't have time/energy for regarding the different stimulus which proactively demands re-call; remembering   -a search of the cerebral archives..]

and if you've been inspired or asked to  -imagine-  a person you've never actually met..   OR, perhaps you are formulating in your mind what a character in a book  -looks like-   when you've only had text to read which describes...           then of course, your brain has filed away an umbrella category  -humans-   and you re-call, mix, embellish details..

also FALSE, that the reason we see mentally vs. actually, and eluded to in 'less clear'   -is so our brains can distinguish between 'real' and   -imagined.  

again, no.

and that really should say, 'real' vs.  -remembered, anyway.

you need to distinguish!  RE-member   -as in, seeing something AGAIN in your mind after having see it in reality
and imagining,  -really should be, recreating,  -as in,  synonym for constructing a unique human being's appearance from what you remember about human beings in general

which allows the word imagining to =

    I mean, in its truest, purest sense:  to imagine.. would be to formulate in your mind, something utterly non-existent in reality   -an original thought/picture...      never having been/existed/manifested anywhere else; ever.    an original & unique vision..   never seen before in reality; with no umbrella reference to re-create/embellish from...


some people claim no human can have a true/pure original picture; even in their own imagination!   -no matter how wild their imagination is   -because! in order for any human to imagine anything     -   --that thing, that appears and feels unique/original actually already exists


and is only being     -accessed-   mentally by a human..

and, ive written about it before, but the reason I'm going to re-address that idea, is because.

I get it.

like, as I mentioned before, I have turned music on and listened to my radio..   a familiar song; yes...
but if I close my eyes

and sometimes I do not even need to close my eyes

but, eyes opened or closed..   I can see, in my mind;  my imagination

a large group of dancers all performing on stage to the song I'm listening to.   And the dance is beautiful!  and the dancers are incredibly talented!  and the choreography is stellar!

and I see the entire performance...

oh! how I wish I could record it and share it with you!

but here's the thing I most think about:

as I have taken and taught dance

-when you teach a dance...   you must FIRST CHOREOGRAPH..  step by step by step

repeat   -and eventually you can fill an entire song with choreographed steps/moves..

and teach it to someone else; to others..   but this all takes an investment of time, creativity, energy, practice..

in my  -imagination-    the number, the performance is already complete.

so, when I see these dancers in my mind...  

 am I -remembering?   dancers yes/umbrella category of human dancers.   music yes; familiar.  but the choreographed steps themselves..? the dance.  the dances I see in my mind are not replays of any performances I have been in, seen, or taught...

so, how is it?     how is it...   I see the entire dance


unless it DOES ALREADY EXIST    -somewhere.  and I am only  -accessing

is every thought, every vision, every imagined anything...  being RE-membered.?

are our minds, analogous to radios?   picking up signals..  changing channels based on frequencies?


when people who share my curiosity ask about it..   how do we 'see' with our minds; in our imaginations..

it is common to read,  'its there.. and yet not there.."    as a way of describing how clearly we can see..  and yet not be able to  -show others, or print out a picture, or explain exactly  -where- it is we see it..

and so,

much more research to do; much more..

as to the EXACT HOW & WHY..  but THE WHAT:  the fact that WE CAN..    remember.  see. recreate.  imagine.    -with our minds.   automatically and proactively!

and wonder about it..  and then, investigate; learn..    share the knowledge...

add and factor in new knowledge as it presents itself..

it is only one of the countless amazing benefits that come with being God's human masterpieces.


I'm leaning in this direction:  human minds like radios..

write now, there are how many songs being played simultaneously on how many radio stations across how many frequencies?    they co-exist

but I can pick one...   107.3, or 102.9

or,  my radio allows me also to   -search

a given geographic area for the most clear signals...

what can you hear perfectly clearly from where you are write now?

what station is your mind tuned into?

I have it in my mind write now..  that if I can learn more about, and potentially understand how radios work..  sound waves..   frequencies..

this will lead to something else and closer to an actual answer to my original question.

in Jesus is my favorite DJ   's name..     amen!


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