Customers Cerebral Hyperlink; opened with one penny.. by (me!) sandra, tvgp
(me!): "your total is $9.99.."customer: -hands me a $10 bill.
(me!): "so, sometimes, it's fun... when you get just one penny back for change.. to take a look at the date on the penny, and come up with a memory from that year..."
customer: "i don't have a good memory"
(me!): "no? no memories from... [look here, and wiggle the penny until I can make out the date]... from 1975?"
customer: "1975? terrible memories. -you wouldn't believe me. -you wouldn't believe me."
(me!): "no.. I probably would."
customer: [gestures toward himself] "see... I'm Eastern Asian.. 1975.. the killing fields."
(me!): ".. those are terrible memories... yes. -good to be on the other side of that...."
-tried so hard to leave the wound I opened with some salve..
-now is he a direct survivor? the details I may never know. and if he crossed my path again in the near future, I don't know that I have retained exactly which customer.. -these are very brief, passing conversations...
but, -fascinating how cerebral hyperlinks work; isn't it. -the date on the penny idea... a thing I used once upon a time for creative writing workshops I taught
and, a gift too, when it comes to learning more about human memory storage; yes...
and wars, genocides, holocausts... I have no words; no answers.. only questions. and heartbreak.
In -if I gave Jesus a penny with a date... 's name.. hallelujah & amen.
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