Sunday, December 04, 2016

"JOY!" to you this holiday season, from (me!) and my (Dr. Maya Angelou!)

Kissin' The Chocolate Blues. 
page 22

Faith Alpher as Dr Maya Angelou
tv prop
verbatim from conversation on People Are Talking


"JOY is what I sign in every book, always, in every autograph, in everything I end with

Joy!   It is kind of an umbrella word...

it means health.
it means focus.
it means commitment.

It means religion, if you have that.

It's everything!   It's really an umbrella word.  So if you say, 'I'm out for Joy'

-that means I take responsibility for the time I take up, for the space I occupy.

I am out for JOY!     Yes..    "


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