Thursday, March 31, 2016

Public "Thank You!" to ( tom cushing!) from (me!) sandra, tvgp

for the same reason I once thanked johanna vollhardt, assist. professor, psychology department at clark university..

I today thank..  tom cushing, blogger for the Pleasanton weekly, and in particular for his current post titled, will rogers and mark twain meet the minimum wage..

tom, wrote, and articulated in a most rational, professional, clear and very organized and entertaining way, what I was trying to say, in my very awkward, emotional and  recent post, titled The Million Dollar Mark..

so, when I stutter, or cant quite find the words, I rather wish I could just look at, and point to tom,

"explain to them what I'm trying to say..."

and its as if;   -he did.    "thank you!"


and I believe by typing johanna vollhardt's name in the search bar of my blog here, you can see how she did a similar thing, on an even more complicated topic..

in my words:  STOP teaching oppression/slavery as unique to a given race! or place and time..   and instead..

as it is 2016!!   teach oppression/slavery..  as it has, and is, happening all around the globe..

when you teach, just the prejudice against blacks story, by itself..   your audience, on the whole, seeks revenge..

when you share and teach the pattern..  across the globe..   the holocausts, genocides, IRA.. TOGETHER   -  the pattern of oppression, violence, and ultimately freedom..  which takes place in many countries, and within many races, nationalities..    your audience, on the whole, seeks freedom for all..


"johanna..    please explain to everyone what I'm trying to say..."

and if you watch her interview with my Charlie rose from the archives..

its as if;   -she did!



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