Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Million Dollar Mark ..for (me!) sandra, tvgp

i must stop a moment and celebrate...  over a million visits to my blog!! woo-hoo


k, now,

actually what i am experiencing in this very moment, is a belated irritation which is resulting from a very brief conversation that took place several days ago..

what happens, is that i am a great listener, and very slow processor...   so i will listen,  -and perhaps even know intuitively and internally; i might have an immediate response inside me

but it competes with many other things going on...

apparently, at a subconscious level, a lot of action is taking place, and then..

"DAMN THEM!   is that what they are teaching these children..  these young adults?!   -are you kidding me.."

-because what i recently learned..   and i shall provide here an upshot:

in the economics class on a college campus, they are teaching...

and, well, we know i am not a numbers person, and you can easily get a show-off professor type to put his spin..

but i know what they're teaching is a lie...

they are teaching..  what they are doing, is waging war, and telling horror stories, and sad stories, and demonizing minimum wage..

telling how ...  if a given employer didn't have to pay a minimum wage, why... he or she could hire more people..   so..  we'd have more people working..

/gag reflex here..

businesses are shutting down because of minimum wage..  

we cannot afford the actual, real life experiment here, but lets say, we removed minimum wage as a requirement for downtown Pleasanton..

instead of 1 person earning minimum wage  -full time salary, and still not being able to put on the table..    you'd have 3 people making less than minimum wage..  working harder for even less, and not only would they not be able to food on the table, they would not be able to put clothes on their back..

minimum wage exists for very good reason; do not be fooled.  what we have learned about human beings in general, is that...  generosity, doing the write thing, being fair, looking out for the whole, vs. the individual

well, our entire legal system, laws, police force, human resources, employee advocate groups, on and on..   they all exist because these things do not seem to come naturally to people..

they must be enforced.


do not be fooled young adult children on college campuses..

question this from every angle..!

the problem..  economically speaking...   is NOT minimum wage;

-spare me this BS, please

the problem is corporate and individual greed.

please study, research and learn the gap between what the lowest level employee is earning vs. the CEO's in a variety of corporate businesses..  contrast 1970, with 1980, vs 2016..

as a company succeeds and earns greater and greater profits..

what pattern do you see?

when a company is successful..    everyone is contributing on some level..

is the wealth being distributed in equal portion?   i do not mean, that the lowest level employee should earn the same as...

but as a %...  

what is the overall increase?   -for the CEO..     for the lowest level?


that's all for now..  

In Jesus knows better name,  amen!


please type  gap between   in the search bar of this blog.


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