VICTORY! Christian WARRIORS! sports analogy, by (me!) sandra, tvgp #warriors @writeousmom
so, -i am watching the warriors with my sister.. not last nights game, but "congratulations! again!"
-we are watching a taped version of a game they already played, and we know in advance "THEY WIN!"
now, these close games have been (reeking havok?) -these close games have been tearing my poor sisters stomach to shreads! -she hardly can take it.. -very often she has to close her eyes or leave the room..
So.. she LOVED watching the taped game, where we know in advance the "waaaarrriiiiiiooooorrrrrsssss" win. -each time the score was close, or even when the warriors were temporarily behind
the fact that they win in the end, made watching the game a much more enjoyable experience for her; anxiety free...
well, that would be exaggerating a bit. i was quite entertained to see she would still get emotionally involved here and there, as if the final outcome just might change...
but what i learned about myself, is that I much prefer not knowing the outcome.. it robs me of the emotional investment.. if I already know they win.. what I'm watching .. my motivation for watching changes entirely: now, I'm watching just to witness the phenomenal individual and team plays/shots; the spectacular choreography... -which, by the way, is well worth watching, and repetitively.. because, I mean.. My good God! the shots they are making are.. miraculous!
but it certainly did dawn on me.. the Christian analogy: -because one of the beliefs we hold as Christians is that
"We already know who wins! God gets the ultimate victory! -even over death itself!"
-and it might appear sometimes like we are behind; it might appear as if we might lose.. it might feel too close to call sometimes..
but.. "we know who wins!!". -and hopefully that alleviates unnecessary anxiety, without causing lack of interest and emotional investment from this preknown knowledge
-because while we do know who wins, what we don't know is when, where, exactly who and by how much...
Shakespeare described all the world as a stage; I think it might be more like an arena..
In Jesus undefeated name, -amen!
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