Thursday, October 29, 2015

Absolutely NOT! says (me!) sandra, tvgp

there is a group of us going out dancing to live music soon. my sister goes, "are you going to invite keith?"

"absolutely not!"

and she goes, "you don't think he would like..

and before she could finish the sentence i explained how he has not bothered to ask me out..  and im not about to let him come walking through the bar door at 15 minutes to close, when im all in a great green light mood, slightly intoxicated..."i refuse to make it easy!

thats something my 21 year old self would do" i told her,

"and my 30 year old self...

and, my 40 year old self..

and my 45 year old self....

But NOT MY 49! year old self!"


-so there.


in Jesus patient name...  


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