So Torn About Digital Books. (Me!) sandra, tvgp
1. I love books. Paper; pages; fonts; covers: books!
2. I love digitized books.. ONLY/EXCLUSIVELY when combined with a search bar, so you can quickly, easily look things up
I.e., google: bible passage regarding gray hair.
Voila! Instantly you see it is considered 'a crown of splendor'
/polar opposite of how it is regarded by our culture today.
anyway.. We know that time is the greatest gift, most precious resource of all.. And the less we waste, the greater our lives..
so, when I consider how much time it takes to research..
My heart says "digitize every book in the world and add a search bar!"
and when I asked about that as an ultimate goal on the library tour I was on.. It was explained to me, /and not for the first time
-copyright issues; intellectual property laws.. etc. Etc. -for some literary items, there are multiple authors and getting legal permission across the board.. -one legal issue after another..
then! when I consider.. How easily digitized works can be altered/changed/tampered with..
And in completely undetectable ways, by savvy hacker types..
that knowledge then makes me want to advocate for both:
printed. Paper. Hard copies. -multiple copies. Notarized. At least one original somewhere..
AND digitized versions.
if we go exclusively digital, which is more convenient, less expensive, etc.
I see that we are at very high risk of undetected tampering.
and the cost of that far exceeds the cost of keeping books in print.
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