Friday, June 13, 2014

MAMMA~RAZZI HEAVEN for (me!) Writeousmom

Oh! The pictures I have in my shutterfly album!  GOLDEN! GOLDEN!

Everyone knows how the paparazzi goes wild during big celebrity events...

But for this mamma~razzi  -what a week of spectacular events its been!

-got my niece graduating from elementary in the stunning red dress her grandma picked out for her
-my son and nephew attending the 8th grade graduation dance /wearing shirts! And ties! And slacks!
-my daughter in the powder puff game.. On the football field!
-end is school activities in general..
-the middle school promotion..
-a family dinner "thanks dad!"
-my daughters birthday!

So much happening all at once I can't even keep proper track.

That's why I love pictures!   I can't wait to see all this life happening at my own, slightly slower pace...


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