Monday, February 24, 2014

HOLY EXPLOITATION for (me!) Sandra, tvgp

This would be longer if I weren't restricted to using my phone to type it. How I pray: Dear Jesus.. Orchestrate my every step. You are my life coach, parenting coach, relationship expert, editor, publisher, employer, publicist, map, compass, guide, rock, redeemer,.. (This list goes on..). Shower us (us = my loved ones, and everyone) with your love, blessings, favor, protection, (another long list) and eventually... "Thank you! Help Me! And Wow!".  -so, I am not copying, but have arrived at the same spiritual place as anne lamott you see, - and countless others.  But my point today: until recently I have only heard and ever used the word 'exploit' in a negative way..  First thing to surface is the way young girls are so often 'exploited' by media.  But.. I found myself recently thanking God for the way I have felt.. Spiritually exploited, - for the good.  Let me explain:  without the invitation to read a poem at the interfaith service.. I would have never finished the poem that was floating around in my mind.. 'Tell him I said thank you'.  -and I'm grateful I completed it.  -without the poet laureate position and invitation to create an event at the firehouse theatre for Feb, -I would have never created 'kissin the chocolate blues'...  And I am tremendously grateful for the completion of that endeavor.   -without an invitation to speak at the pen women meeting...   I would not have read, one of my favorite stories to read aloud.. '_the fake tow truck car stealing operation,  -and without the upcoming invitation to read/speak for the Stanford Women of the east bay book club, I may have never actually finished my work in progress: '21 Reasons I love to blog'   -and none of this possible without Charlotte severin..  So when I remember that God works through people, I realize he is working through Charlotte Severin.. One of my earth angels.. And creatively exploiting creative work out of me.  -this is what it feels like.  -because it might not be in me to initiate, or pursue.. But it is in me to accept and respond. God knows...  And like the worlds greatest coach.. He won't ask you to become something you're not, but will see your strengths/weaknesses and place you where you can do the most good for the team.  -also.. I will be moving again very soon.. This is going to FORCE me, to get rid of more stuff.. I made some progress in this area a few months ago, and then stopped. Another thing I've noticed about God..  He likes to keep things moving...  But my dream..!.. Having moved 7 times in just the past 18 years.. And 20 plus times before that... My dream, my highest prayer these days is to have ONE place I can call my own, and call; 'my home.'.   -_what a deep longing I have for stability.  In Jesus name,  -amen! 


#charlotte severin


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