Saturday, February 22, 2014

A RIDE ON JESUS SHOULDERS for (me!) Sandra, tvgp

Exactly as I experienced it in my dream/vision last night, and this morning, on my imaginations movie screen:  I am inside a baseball field, with a glove on and have just successfully caught a fast ball. Jesus (the kind faced Jesus, not the 'hot' Jesus from recent series) says to me, 'put the glove and ball down. You do not belong in this game'.  -and then he lifted me up on his shoulders.. And carried me, to the bleachers..  Where he sat me down.. And the sun shined directly on my smiling face.  My internal experience was one of joy, happiness,  and peace.   -I do not need anyone's help translating this dream...  "Thank you! Jesus!".  Amen.


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