Saturday, January 04, 2014

From the archives... For (me!) Sandra, tvgp

My handsome prince commented recently on a piece of underclothing I had on, "is that new?".   I go, "no..  I just found it!".  -so it kinda feels new.   And also as part of my ultimate declutter which is progressing at an injured turtles pace...  I came across these letters...  It did my heart good to see a whole line of "out standings" marked by Cedric.  "Thank you!".   And I loved Sarah mcaulay and her class..  She later came and spoke at one of the writing workshops I hosted .."thank you!" Again too.   The rejection from St Mary's was quite a disappointment at the time.. But I just added it to that pile... Some I've kept. Most I've thrown away. But to the people who created the blogosphere..  My deepest and ongoing gratitude is to you! 


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