Friday, November 07, 2008

FALSE LABOR AND TRUE LOVE by (me!) sandra, tvgp

my kids know this story very well. we refer to it as the "that's not labor" story. -goes like this:

and it's a true story by the way.

i was in the hospital and only hours away from giving birth to my son. the door is open, and in the hallway there is another pregnant woman, only much younger, and much happier

with a smile she is telling the nurse, "i'm in labor! i'm in labor!"

the nurse laughs, and says, "honey.. you're still smiling. that's not labor." then she points to me, "that's labor."

and i'm of course, pale as a ghost, howling in pain, sweating, screaming and just about to vomit.

and just last night i found myself referencing this story as i watched a cute little disney-ish movie on tv with my kids

because there went another one; much younger, much happier

a pretty little blond girl, bouncing around, smiling, telling anyone within reach, "i'm in love! i'm in love!"

and i looked at my kids, said only, "see how she's smiling.. that's not love."

and they got it write away.


At 2:44 PM, Blogger Hawley said...

hahahaha :) good story(s)

At 7:43 AM, Blogger SHE said...

mbh: thank you! - and you will have your own one day to share..

i'm not rushin' you

just warning you

"to motherhood! the greatest love of all!"

love, ~s.


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